How often - or perhaps at what mileage - do I need to have my tires aligned? At the dealer today I was advised I have "a little" "out side edge ware." They wanted me to get an alignment. Since I heard them tell two others the same thing I took a pass. Since I get the tires rotated regularly wouldn't the wear be on the inside one time and the outside the next? Is that different from a front wheel alignment?
Translation: Our cash flow from the service department is short this month; can we get an extra $100 or so from you?
Outside edge wear is often a symptom of low air pressure. Maybe that is another reason the service people tend to reduce my PSI when they do maintenance on my Prius. JeffD
Exactly, which is why it makes sense to check TP after receiving the car back from the dealer --- no matter you told them to maintain 41psi Front / 40psi Rear.
It all depends...handling, long wear or ease of steering return to center. Low pressure tends to wear both inner and outer edges. High pressure wears the center. Rotation a good thing yet which ever wheel is out of align will wear in the same area/ corner. Some tire models only front to rear others four corner rotations are spec'd. OP may be thinking of actually swapping the tires on the rims for inner and outer wear equalization. Can be done, yet you have the mount and balance expense added. When to align? Some say yearly. I say when you notice a wear or handling issue or at replacement tire time to be prudent. A good/ caring alignment mechanic is a valuable find. I'd pass on the dealer recommendation in this case too. Good luck.