I hope I'm explaining this correctly, when pumping gas how do you hang the plastic gas cap on the back on the tank flap?
On my car, the threaded part of the cap just kind of slides into a groove on the door. Barely hangs there. (Sorry, I'm in the wrong forum again)
3rd gen has a similar system to what @ePWR describes , it's handy: I see from the c manual, looks like your stuck with this: I would probably just let it dangle, carefully. Our previous Civic was like that.
Not sure why people don't like that hanging design, to me it's the genius way to keep the threaded part of the cap clean.
Are you sure you're hanging it the right way? Mine hangs from the peg with the thread facing the rear of the car and the body of the cap below the open door, well out of the way of touching anything. I find that it works very well...