Yes it is important! Available options and features and services vary widely among US, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, Cyberspace, etc. When somebody asks for advice or assistance, we need to know what options are available in their country / planet.
I respect and agree with those wishing to remain anonymous and private. If a poster wishes to expand on their location, then by all means he/she can easily do so in the body of the question. It's a beautiful day! Time to go out and actually drive this wonderful Prius.
Just do not bother asking for or giving advice since we have no way to determine your frame of reference.
Excuse me sir, and respectively, are you a new forum moderator? Why would you tell someone to not bother asking for advice? I feel there is nothing wrong, and no rule broken, if a person wishes to remain more private while using this website. They can still ask general questions about their Prius, without revealing where they live. Correct? They can simply say I am in the colder weather on the East Coast of the United States. Or I live in the warmer weather on the West Coast. Or I am in Europe. Asia. Etc.. I don't see the problem. Why must a poster list their specific city and state of residence? If I am wrong, maybe one of the official moderators can verify this for us. Thank you.
Personally I find "cyberspace" as an address a bit irritating, leaves everybody hanging, for no good reason. But that's just me. I also don't like being frequently told I'm in the "wrong" forum. Meh, water off a duck's back. So..., where the heck is "God Bless America"? FWIW, it's a long way from San Diego to Fargo, if you're asking (for example) if you need a block heater. Then there's Nome...
Seems a bit harsh? But what do I know, I'm still a newbie to prius chats. Do we get more power as our number of posts increase? LOL! if I listed USA as my residence, would that sooth all the ruffled feathers? Seems like we all have much more serious things to worry about, besides my location. I'm the one who is usually in the wrong forum. ;-) Everybody has been very polite, they've never told me I should not be there. I just like to read various questions from all kinds of Prius owners. I don't pay attention to the exact forum. Take care gentlemen. Have a nice evening.
I did say I did not recommend that restriction. I just find it curious the site was organized with a separate (dead) International forum. I really appreciate the International flavo(u)r here but it really helps having a frame of reference to relate to.
In my brief and limited experience in these Priuschat forums, I have found the majority of members and posters to be very polite and cordial. Most are very professional, and extremely helpful and knowledgeable. It's a pleasure reading all the questions in the various forums, and learning interesting things. My heartfelt thanks to the moderators and owners of this website. I removed the word "God" in my location. Being that this is a private website, and privately owned, I realize the word God may be offensive to some people. I will just keep that to myself.
Sorry guys, I tend to remain private and anonymous on all Internet websites that I visit. I'm retired law-enforcement. So that's just how it is. I don't reveal too much personal information, and never use a real birth date. I usually tell people I worked in the oil fields. And that's true, I was actually employed in that occupation when I was young, and my dad and brothers and other relatives worked in the oil industry. Keep up the great work. Very nice website.
I agree we should be circumspect, but there have been situations where a post refers to their car as having done 300,000k - is this km or miles, similarly with "it's been below zero" - which both have a different scale depending on which side of the world they are. At least an approximate location is useful.
I like The Electric Me and his profile. A long-time esteemed member. Very knowledgeable. His profile says: "Undisclosed Location." The man likes his privacy.
I'm sure most of these nice people will be more specific. All we have to do is ask. Have a nice evening gentlemen, or day, depending on where you're located it was nice chatting with you and discussing a great car, our Prius. I apologize if I was at fault for getting this thread so off-topic. It's a great forum. I have much respect for your knowledge and help.
I agree. Electric Me has the right idea. You can't be too careful when using social media. I know families that have had their homes broken into because they bragged and posted vacation plans on Facebook. Its amazing how much personal information people reveal on the Internet. Even all kinds of personal photos. It's like they have no common sense. We've all seen the stories and heard the warnings. But they still do it. I'm not going to reveal my location either. I'm just hanging out and talking about my Prius, not my personal life! Nobody needs to know our location, or age, or what we look like. I'm doing like epwr and Electric Me and deleting it. Not paranoid, just cautious.
Yes, but which God specifically? He asks mischievously. ProdigyPlace is a very helpful contributor IMHO, but as in all electronic interaction media, much of the unwritten emotion, inflection, etc gets lost making it impossible to interpret exactly what the message was saying or how it was being said. I often regret sending messages after I've thought about it awhile longer.
Thanks ol'buddy. Unusual heat and humidity make me wish I was somewhere with AC. It's around 87F here which is Very hot for us, even if you guys are acclimatised to it at ain't!
I spend too much time indoors with AC. On the weekend I was outside trying to work on 90F + weather. I felt I was melting just standing around.
You mean ... you don't have A/C? Options I used to use in the old days pre A/C - #1 go to the Public Library, cheaper, safer than a pool (or beach), you don't get sunburnt, you can snooze to your hearts content without drowning too. Free books, magazines. #2 - same as #1 #3 - same as #1 PS - it was a 12C degree morning here, might get to 22. I much prefer our mild winters to summer.