The DC/DC converter is part of the inverter. It converts high voltage DC to 13.8VDC to feed the 12V bus. Make sure the 100A DC/DC fusible link is in good condition. This link is part of the 5" long whitish/clear plastic box which is located in the main relay/fuse box next to the inverter. Usually if that link has blown, that is evidence that someone screwed up a jumpstart by attaching the jump cables incorrectly, not observing battery polarity (positive to positive, negative to body metal...)
Also it can be a sign of just a dead battery or a loose connection at the battery. Be sure to get the simple things checked first before you just throw parts at it.
The dc to dc converter "if it has failed" can be replaced as a separate item from Toyota. However due to the general reliability of the complete inverters it is cheaper to replace the entire unit with a secondhand unit. John (Britprius)
working on 2004 with 169K miles. p0a08, c2310, c2318, c1241 codes present; no charging voltage at battery pos terminal in ready mode; fuse link in fuse box okay. dc /dc converter suspect so how can I get schematic of dc to dc converter? would like to measure dc voltage at converter.
For a schematic of the wiring and external connections to and from the DC/DC converter, just look in the wiring diagram at While you're there you can see what the repair manual says about diagnosing it; what you can find there combined with what the computers are telling you will probably be more useful than any simple ad-hoc experiment. Now if you really meant schematics of the converter, I can't help there, but if you're fluent in Japanese you might see about getting hired in Toyota engineering. -Chap
thanks for your reply. I am locked out of techinfo until tomorrow and was hoping to see something today.