Have a brand new 2017 Prius 4 Touring (son is now driving my 2012 Prius V). where can I find the "miles Until Empty" for the main display instead of the Ave MPG?
Its also available on the main navigation system trip display and the home screen if you need it, although that's even less intuitive to setup. kevin
I think it is a great spot and nicely labelled, conveniently on the steering wheel as I often shift between current trip, trip A, trip B, miles to empty, etc. In many cars it is too far away, or an ugly black knob sticking out of the glass on the dash - yuch. Where would you put it?
If you want distance to empty on the display above the console it is listed on the left side of the screen that shows mileage bars every minute. Instant mpg is on the right.
If you go into settings and setup the home screen display you can have that displayed on the home screen.
That's where it is in many new cars these days - holding the TRIP for a couple of seconds also RESETs the current display: