I found a few places in the owners manual indicating that in certain conditions it will switch automatically between outside air and recirculate. Interesting the one about it automatically switching to outside air when you are parking. But how does it know when you are parking? I realize there is parking assist but it didn't specify whether that is the only time it will do it.
Thanks, I knew it was somewhere about it switching automatically when you parked. I think it's a nice little feature. My car is too young to have anything other than the new car smell, but it's nice to know they've thought about it. Though living in SoCal, humidity is only around here for maybe a month in August or so. Having spent sometime in Florida, I don't know how to handle that kind of humidity pretty much year round.
I think the system should remember my preferences. It's 115 here today, I want to coolest air fast. It is annoying to change from recirc to fresh and turn off eco-mode.
I never mined the hands off recirc switch during our 96°+ hot humid weather, but I always hated it when it's 20°, the car is just headed down the road with no engine heat yet, and it decides I need outside 20° air coming in. Boy, that will wake you up in the morning.
Except when first turned on after sitting out in the direct sun. Cooling outside 95 F air is somewhat better than trying to cool inside 150 F air. Best for the first few minutes is not recirc AND vent with some windows open.