My Town Landfill/Recycling center has stickers for town residents which they tell you to put on the lower left corner of the windshield. Of course this is where the antimatter solar radiation sensor hemisphere is located. What do I do? The (not very) helpful person checking stickers suggested above the sensors but I feel that is in normal road view on the Prius. I suggested the little side window but that wasn't acceptable. I am thinking now I will stick it to clear plastic and tape it in place when I go there. I typically only go once a month or less so that isn't too big a deal. A better idea would be to get the clear stuff that sticks to glass and other smooth surfaces but comes off easy and doesn't stick to other things. Any ideas where to find this stuff?
i used to live in an area where stickers for the landfill was required in Redwood City, CA. it was a company vehicle and we just keep it in the glovebox and pulled it out whenever we needed it and put it on the dash.
One of my coworkers just used a small piece of clear plastic cut out of a CD jewel box. They put the label on that, then just put it on the dash when they needed to show the sticker. Dave
That is the obvious one but she warned me it had to be "affixed to the vehicle". Thats why I was thinking of the scotch tape.
Static stickers are just printed on clear vinyl. You may be able to find some at a local hobby shop. If not check out this link, it is for static stickers to be made, but there are many sources to choose from. Just tell them what you are looking for. Google search results
I imagine it is so people don't buy 1 sticker and share it with everyone they know. Or if they are free they presume to show you are a resident and therefore eligible to use the dump and they don't want it shared. Of course anyone with a permanetly affixed sticker could just loan their car to a non-eligible person so it isn't failsafe then either. A bit inelegent, but could you use clear plastic wrap to hold it on the window when you go to the dump? If they don't look too carefully, they won't notice the film. Another possibility - my kids have glow in the dark stars that come with a blob of white claylike adhesive to stick them to the wall/ceiling. I've found it to be less than stellar in holding power so maybe a couple of small dots on your sticker would hold it up with no permanent sticky stuff left on the window and it would be easily reuseable.
yup and what we used to do was construction. so we would drive to another area for the job, collect the waste and frequently if it was late, drive home without unloading. then in the morning dump it at the local transfer station although technically we werent supposed to since the waste came from another area.
So you move it to the right until it clears the unit and mount it real low. Maybe even trim the top and bottom a little. If the attendant can still see it you're good. If they say anything just tell them it blocked the ASRAS unit and made your high beams stay on all the time when it was in the corner.