Is anyone else seeing the paint fading on what Toyota calls the Liftgate trim, the trim with the Prius emblems? See attached photo. Mine began fading about a year ago. I thought it had to do with driving through a highway construction project for the last two years. I thought I was getting small specs of asphalt on this brace. My body shop guy tells me that this piece is plastic and the paint is different than the rest of the car. He said that he is beginning to see more and more of this on the Prius. He says that the black specs are actually where the plastic is popping off and making craters in the plastic. The plastic itself is black and then painted to match the car paint. This is the first repair item that I have had to do beyond routine maintenance and items that were covered under warranty. 128,000 miles.
Nice looking car. You've gotten a lot of great mileage out of your Prius. My car is too new to have that kind of paint fading, but thanks for the heads-up. I will be sure to apply wax back there more often. It may help some? Maybe not. Thanks for posting your picture.
Thanks. It has been a great car. I cannot complain too much about this problem! I have waxed mine on a fairly regular basis, maybe not often enough. That should help some though.
Just curious, it that where you grab it to close the hatch? And is there any fading on the plastic front end? Anywhere else? My entire front bumper area seems to be plastic. Not sure.
Yes. It has the Prius, Toyota and Synergy Drive emblems. The hatch release button is mounted on the bottom side of this trim panel.
Just a thought, but could that "wear" be from your hands over the years? Let's hope not. I hope the Prius is not that delicate. I grab the top of the wing/spoiler to close my hatch. Don't know how else to shut it. Now, if the paint starts fading on the front, or the roof, etc, then I will be pretty angry. 4 or 5 wax jobs per year seems reasonable to offer good paint protection.
No, it is the full width of the trim panel, not just around the hatch button. The rest of the car paint looks great, just this one plastic trim piece.
Yes, I wash it at least once a month. I also waxed it every 6 months for the first 5 years and now about once a year.
You can replace it with a silver trim from a Prius Plug-In. It'll probably cost the same as getting yours repainted. Love that plate! Go Pack!
Ummm...... Perhaps windshield cleaning fluid caused the damage? You have a body shop he may be best to advise as the photo at least to me doesn't translate the damage over the internet. Looks like "dripping" from top to bottom. Try to polish by hand first and if that fails then utilize a buffer and see if the color comes back. You may even need to sand with 2000 grit sand paper as you begin polishing. Might be only the clear coat paint. Else repaint...DIY flat black or professional color and clear. Good luck.
Garage stored or outside? If outside, which part of the car is facing south? I would remove the part, take off the emblems and decal (Whizzy Wheel?), then drive it down to the body shop, with the paint code and a look at the actual car they should be able to get it right.