:lolup: :jester: :tongue: :lolup: :jester: :tongue: :lolup: :jester: :tongue: :twisted: :clap: :clap: :clap:
I get a box that says, "Political: This Land" and another untitled box next to it, but nothing happens, nothing else shows up.
OK, I'm missing it too. All I get is "A Parody of Woody Guthrie's This Land starring George Bush and John Kerry' with stars circling the This Land and color shifting. A progress bar is 'progressing' at the bottom over a 3.7M label. Th music is NOT 'This Land is Your Land' and my T1 connection can load 3.7M in a few seconds so it isn't load time.
I know their site was getting slammed yesterday so you might want to try refreshing or trying again later.
Yeah, I tried yesterday a couldn't get it to work. But this morning I tried, and it worked, and it was funny.
Hi-larious If you liked that video, you (might) like this game. Its not quite as fair and balanced (its called the Anti-Bush game; guess who its slanted against). http://www.emogame.com/bushgame.html
That's so weird - I'm able to view it right now using Mozilla Firefox. You have Flash installed, right?
Here's what I get now: "Sorry for the inconvenience, but our servers are getting slammed at the moment. We're working like crazy to expand our server capacity and set up mirror sites."
They are getting hit pretty hard, and are exceeding their b/w allotment. I got that yesterday before being able to log onto it later. I'm gonna hit it again, now that I can hook up a set of headphones.
Those of you that cannot load the program, do you have the latest version of flash player? I cannot load it on the work station I'm on currently at work, where it's one version behind, but it loaded fine for me at home. I'd go to macromedia and get updated.
I can't even get the macromedia home page to load properly. Sometimes I get nothing at all, other times I get as far as "2 items remaining" or "one item remaining" and the page stops loading. I have tried clicking on both "flash player" and "shockwave player". I get a page that tells me to close all other browser windows and then click on "install," which I do, and then I get a message that the installation will be complete when the movie starts, but there is no movie, and the ZoneAlarm icon shows me that communication has ceased. I also see on their FAQ page that Win XP does not like to install the latest version because it has its own version, and there is a link to a download that supposedly fixes this, but that one does not work for me either. Finally, there is a page to test if you have the latest version, and that does not work!