i have an electrician coming by this week to discuss options for charging in my garage - I'll use this to create a proposal for the condo board. I'd like to run some ideas past you experienced folks. I want to propose an option whereby I can reimburse the association for juice used. One idea is to put a normal, but metered, 110 outlet near my stall. I've found something called EKM meters which look like they'd work to monitor my usage. Another option, much more expensive I think, would entail running 240 a long distance to my stall, and installing something like a JuiceBox Smart EVSE which I believe can produce summaries of my usage. Any thoughts on these or other options? I haven't seen either the meter or the EVSE in person so I hope I'm understanding their usage correctly.
I guess it would depend on your charging needs. If like me, you can charge overnight, then the 110 option seems right. If you need fast charging then the 240 option would work better.
Do you think both options would work to document my usage for the purpose of reimbursing the association?
Save money. Use 110 and charge overnight. If you need to go then use gas. Gas is cheap now and hell...it is a hybrid.
I guess any documentation may satisfy the association. I use 6.3 kWh per "full" charge to figure my cost. If you can document your usage from your outlet, then it only matters which option you need. Good luck
Could be helpful if you commit in your proposal to a fixed deposit that will be renewed each time it is zeroed so your account is always in the 'green'. May sometime help to cross a potential psychological barrier.
Thanks, giora, that's a good suggestion. There are some owners who are very focused on each expenditure, and I want to make very sure that they are comfortable that my car isn't going to cost them money.
And it is highly likely that at least one of "those people" don't really understand electricity and will be opposed to the options that you listed. The best solution might be: Have a separate meter installed just for this one outlet and the bill sent to you. IF......your meter is accessible, maybe a branch circuit could be run off of your existing meter. Some people will just automatically be opposed to anything that they don't fully understand........and don't want to listen to reason......and won't back down. An "end run" is often best.
If you are paying the bill, you would need to secure the connection against unauthorized use by anybody and everybody.
OMG, you've met my neighbors?! Re: unauthorized use, I have scouted out locking outlet covers at Menards. I need to carry my cable inside to make sure it fits in the 'box' but I think it will work. I was less worried about unauthorized use than would like to be lazy and keep my cable plugged in without having to worry about it walking away.
Third Option: EKM meters also come in 220 amazon.com/Electric-Meter-100A-Volt-3-Wire/dp/B00GMZRXE8 So have you electrician select a 220 outlet type and mount it with the meter and use a 220 ESVE cable with the same plug. NEMA 6-20 is common, but there are others. amazon.com/Electric-Vehicle-Charger-Portable-EVSE/dp/B0714JB9Q3 That way you can use the 220 charger at other locations with that plug or 110 at a slower speed.
I was running my idea (the 110/EKM meter version) by a coworker and he said this: "If you are tapping into a line which is shared elsewhere the other current may have to be taken into account. For example, if you draw 12 Amps and are ultimately hooked to a 15A breaker that is shared with a garage door opener, the breaker might trip if anyone opens the garage while you are charging." This doesn't strike me as a worry for charging a Prime overnight, even in a shared garage. I will be asking the electrician about the 240 option, but the only current 240 source is quite a distance from my car, and in a concrete block room where the trash compacter is. I think it's going to be cost prohibitive to go that route, but I will ask.
he is correct, you should have a dedicated circuit. therwise, you and whoever else is on it may have trouble, which will leave a bad taste in the boards mouth. the only way to know would be to know what else is, and/or will be on the circuit. are the breakers too far away?
yes, unfortunately my parking spot is as far from the breakers as you can get! Shoot, I hope this is going to be doable.
No, I'm alone in the ICEy wilderness. bisco, what do you mean by the 8 amp option? (sorry if my question is naive - I'll still a newbie at this charging stuff.)