Or as Prince Charles said to Harry Secombe "Heir today, Goon tomorrow". After HS complimented him on a rather good Goons impression. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
They were regularly on our "wireless" downunder - at least the older generation understand GOONS here - I think I've got most on MP3.
Did wonder about this when I posted it. But I decided to trust that US folk would include the Goons as part of their comedy education. For those whose education is lacking on this respect, Google "YouTube what time is it Eccles" Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
here's an interesting vid on a 2013 prius emf levels. I've check the 2016 and it's about the same exposure as a cell phone in the cab except for the side pillars....maybe the RFID key recognition in the doors? air bags? NSA spybots?
this woman does readings on hybrid cars, microwaves, cell phones, wifi routers and more and compares them...
Interesting. EMF, like crude oil, mercury, and horse manure are all NATURAL products. Not sure what the significance of that statement is, but personally I like extra mercury in my tuna salad.
What an age we live in!!! At no other time in history has one been able to earn a Masters or PhD from googling and consuming YouTube. Today, that advanced degree is just minutes away!
That should really have been posted elsewhere - the Pancake Forum. Yeah, I let those sorts of "opinion" just go to those who want an opinion. Progress won't stop. 90% of people in Western Countries use a microwave oven regularly. Hybrid vehicles will eventually be superseded by full EVs - and our average life continues to grow. The alternative is to go back to the Chevs, Pontiacs and Plymouths of the '50/60s where you really needed a gas mask if you followed - but you didn't notice anyway because everything smelled that way. I followed an old Chev Impala on the motorway last week, and soon moved to the next lane because of the smell of his exhaust.
I notice the same thing, following classic stinkers. But I don't recall it being that bad in the past. Maybe needs leaded gas? Or some shmarty''s intentionally tuned it way too rich.
Pre 1964, not even PCVs existed on most cars. The USA's EPA says that today's cars about 98% cleaner & fuels are 90% cleaner and elsewhere I read about 96% lower hydrocarbon emissions in 1995 compared with 1960s. I wonder if, in view of the improvement which has happened already if the incremental remaining emissions are "worth" chasing? A bit like fuel use - when my Prius uses 1/3 the fuel my VOLVO used 11 years ago, the incremental savings in $$ is negligible if I go for additional improvements - and questionable as to whether it's worth chasing.
After looking at Bob's calculations for cost per mile for a plugin it may be worth considering for cost savings. I believe he calculated the equivalent cost per gallon when plugging in his base model Prime is about $1.35 per gallon. See Prius Prime Plus in my hands | Page 23 | PriusChat
This is the chart I did up that I was thinking about - the cars I've owned from my VOLVO 244 I sold in 2003 + 3 projected "even better" cars. Fuel cost is for 5 yrs driving. My PRIUS will only us $768 less fuel over 5 years than my FIESTA. Further improvements spell even less savings.
Hmmm - maybe I should edit my script - call it ++GHOST++ or something? (I think in reality, you'd be hard pressed to get 19mpg from a Rolls Phantom - Fuelly has only one RollsRoyce Phantom - but it's an old 1960 model, hasn't had many fuel ups - but here it is - they could really benefit from upgrading to a PRIUS: .)
Also, those on this US site prefer US MPG rather than the higher Imperial MPG. Rolls-Royce has a Ghost too. Try again. Maybe Zombie?? Ghost
Are we at the point of diminishing returns, is an interesting question. In order for gasoline cars to comply with the new Tier 3 emission regulations, the US is switching over to ultra low sulfur gas this year. Instead of making it possible for the cleanest cars, who are extremely clean already, to get even cleaner, perhaps society be better served with leaving the cleanest limits where they are, and encourage the average emission level of new cars sold to go higher.
No such thing really. Populations are growing. People want to travel and use energy. Even tiny little amounts on a per unit basis add up when there are tens of millions of units running around.......and more each day. I can't quote this accurately but just saw a new item yesterday that said we are making progress in our fight against air pollution in the U.S. Twenty years ago, something like 25 million people lived where the air was rated as unhealthy. Today that it down to only 12 million. ONLY 12 MILLION. ONLY ????? In my recent travels, I have been amazed at how many major metro areas on both coasts STILL have BROWN air.
True - but the real world isn't that good. My mate's Silver Spirit used far more than the "official" - up to double. But - he loved it!!! Was his retirement gift to himself, and seeing his retirement was cut short by cancer, it was pleasing to see him get immense enjoyment for the 5 or 6 years he owned it.