Ok so bought the 17 Prius 3 last week. First few days CEL came on turns out its the dumb people that don't know how to put on a gas cap. Today I got all sides and the rear windows tinted. It was the first rain the car has really been in besides a weird shower when I was driving in the mountains. This morning was a lot of rain. I drove all the way to the window tinting place with the wipers on and I believe I left them on when I left the car. Tinting place did the windows and I picked it up when they were closed. I started the car and ICE malfunction came up on the dash. It then went off. I just kinda shrugged it off like idk what that was. I put it in Drive and let off the brake.. Front Windshield wipers come on. Here is the fun part, they only come on when you're off the brake. If you hold the brake they go off. Kinda crazy! Made it to Toyota 30 min before they closed. All techs already went home. Service manager pulls my fuse and tells me come back tomorrow. Good thing it's not raining! Has anyone experienced this before? I read some threads on here about the back one after tinting and then stopped when it dried but really the windshield? That wouldn't be affected by the hatch at all right? I tried the spare fuse and no luck there either.. I did read around the forums but no one mentioned how holding the brake would stop them then let off they start again.. Any insight in this?!?!? Bringing it in tomorrow again after work.
It could be the automatic sensor for the wipers - do any positions on the wiper wand turn it off - and do the other positions (rear wash/wipe, washers etc work)?
This happened to me last week. I got my windows tinted including the entire windshield. When i drove away all or almost all warning lights were on. The car was in limp home mode. Messages were cycling thru hybrid system was not communicating with the ice. Drcc was disabled and side sonar sensors too. I drove home and sat for an hour thinking. I then drove to my toyota dealer and they took me right in. The tech after not finding anything cleared the codes and test drove it. Nothing. They figured the tint shop (coincidentally does all 3 Anderson dealers) probably kept the vehicle in neutral during the job and they say prii do not like the neutral setting. I have had no problems since. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
So I had tons of water on the car this morning so needed to put the fuse back in before I went to work. Now it all works fine.. Weird... And no car doesn't have auto wipers.
Did they tint your windshield? I think they spritz copious amounts of water when tinting? Shorted something out? There's been similar stories in past, nothing conclusive, but the smoking gun would be the water they spray.
Wish I could get the windshield done too! But no just all side windows and back windows. Im assuming since it was turning off when I hit my brakes the brakes and rear wiper are some how connected close and it did some shorting out. But it was the front wipers not the rear wiper. A little bit of water shouldn't cause these issues though...