Dear friends, I am a practicing physician and love to read and write like many of us. Just this past week, I had my first novel published by a NY publisher. It is something that makes me feel great joy and at the same time brings the stress of not knowing how it will be received. Practicing Medicine or any other profession is easier in the sense that there are usually right and wrong answers and 2+2 is 4. But writing is different, there are no right or wrong answers and you write what is inside you and put it out for people to see and decide if they like it. I am encouraged that the professionals who decided to publish it found it worthy enough that it was not rejected but that is just the beginning. It is the product of a labor of love for writing and I wish that you will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it over the past two years. I hope that if you do like it, that you will tell your friends and family about it. I would love to hear your feedback! Synopsis: Title: Becoming Author: Fouad Azim This is a story of blooming love and betrayal, about children coming of age, of conscience and the sociopaths who lack it; it is a story about trust and how true love empowers and heals us. In the end, it is a story about humanity and the eternal struggle between good and evil. Nyla and Junaid are classmates learning about the world around them and in the process discovering themselves. They must endure and survive a path fraught with confusion and peril if they hope to emerge victorious, though not necessarily unscathed. They will learn of innocence and its loss, about how budding love can be snuffed out if not cared for and its formidable power when nurtured and protected. They will become closely acquainted with evil, with its insidious presence in plain sight and how it mangles and corrupts those it touches. They will have to confront and defeat it if they can. If you think you recognize some of the characters described herein, it is only because the human experience around the world and in the different cultures is not unique, and we all share some of the same burdens and the joys of similar emotions and trials as we go about learning to find ourselves. The setting is the foothills of the Margalla Mountain range, a part of the lesser Himalayas, north of Islamabad in Pakistan, during the 1990s. ------------ Thanks and have a wonderful weekend everyone!
For those looking for a copy: Publisher: Page Publishing, Inc. (May 1, 2017) Language: English ISBN-10: 1684094313 ISBN-13: 978-1684094318
Thanks JimN, I appreciate that! It is available at the usual Bookstores and online sources. I am getting some very good feedback
I'll add it to my list. Will there be an audio version? With my work schedule, I tend to have much more time to listen.... Best of luck!
The audio version will take a little time. The Digital for iTunes etc. should be out soon. Thanks for your support