Hello. I just got my Auris Touring sports Hybrid, and sometimes when i start the car and the ICE is started when i shift into D, i can feel a little vibration ( like in a manual car when the clutch is not fully pressed). I noticed this mostly when the battery is discharged and the revs of the ICE are greater. It`s a problem or it`s a "normal" behavior? Any GenIII owner can give an advice?
i would say normal. i have always found the cold prius engine very rough, and only a little better when warmed up. i think it's the way the valve timing is set for emissions.
It's working normally, the hybrid system warms up the ice. Firstly to ensure it's at a minimum temperature and make sure the traction battery is kept to a useable level. When the battery is low, the ice will get louder while charging. Avoid accelerating harshly, going into the power zone on the power meter. Should stop the ice being too loud. iPhone ?
Found out if i put it from P to N first after starting the engine, wait a few secs and then to D then it doesn`t make that vibration/engaging sound. I guess that`s the right procedure because any automatic has a cycle trough N when u shift into D.
As it is a new car, if you aren’t sure, I would get MR T to give the car a quick check. Just a quick question, would you say you get a slight jolt whilst in p when the ice starts? That would normal and from what I have read, Toyota hybrids do not have a true neutral like in a traditional transmission. I would only be worried if the symptoms you are describing are present once the car has gone through the initial warm up phase. iPhone ?