Just having got my Prius 2 (TWO!) days ago, and enjoying every part of the driving experience of this car, I am now in a state of shock. I was turning through an intersection with this guy walking across with the pedestrian light red. I stop for him of course, and then when he sees me he got a fright (ICE was not running), and then proceeded to kick, as hard as he could, my left-hand headlight, pushing the assembly about 2 inches under the hood, and some other damage to the quarter panel. This attack was unprovoked! (I did not horn-blast him or anything). I can only summise he was embarrased from not having been aware my vehicle was approaching. He ran away. This all happened just an hour ago, and have just gotten through filing the police report. So now, off the get repair quote to see if it is worth telling my insurance co. about it. :angry: Any similar stories to soothe my fevered brow?
Wow, weird. We may need to name this entity "Stealth Induced Pedestrian Rage Syndrome" aka SIPRS (pron. sippers). Hope the cost isn't too bad, musta been a big dude to do that much damage.
Man if that happened to me I would put my car into stealth mode and run him over. Silent but deadly. :angry: Hope you get you car back in new condition soon. Also hope the cops catch the a-hole.
That's awful!! What a jerk Maybe the guy was a Prius-envier? I do have a similar story, although not involving a rageful donkey. I posted about it just a bit ago. Anyway, picked up the Prius on Friday and got a screw in the tire today. They've been doing construction in the city parking lot where I park for work every day, and part of it involves laying wooden boards across the length of the parking garage to cover up holes they've drilled, which you must drive over. After I discovered the screw in my tire today, I looked at the boards and saw that they use the same screws to hold them together. I plan to write a letter to the construction company and copy the city on it, including the screw and my receipt for the patch I had to get tonight. We'll see if anything is done about that! And to add insult to injury, the idiots at Sears who fixed the tire left big grease marks on my middle arm rest and the door. So my brand new baby has a repaired hole in the tire and gross grease marks on the beautiful tan fabric.
That is just so sad. This is taking Road Rage to a new (and lower) level. On one of the Yahoo lists one owner told a story how they went out to their Prius in order to go to work. They caught someone letting the air out of the tires (the guy was angry that it cost him so much to fill the tank of his car). The Prius owner was a cop and, although he didn't arrest the guy, at least made him refill the tires.
whaa??? i would have parked the car and ran after him, if only to kick him back... :angry: what a (*^*&%$^%#^&
Thanks for the replies... I've been following the board for quite a while and had hoped my first post would have been on a happier note!! I feel a bit better now but still weirded out. efusco: ha - SIPRS, I like that! I can't believe some people will rely soley on their ears rather than eyes when making a decision as important as STEPPING ONTO A ROAD! Damn SIPRS!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JillGT02 @ Jun 28 2006, 07:18 PM) [snapback]278360[/snapback]</div> Sorry to hear that. So what was he, a beatnick with a chicken? More likely a neanderthol with a monkey. I would have been highly temped to shake him out of his shirt collar!
JillGT02: that sucks about your tire. Any way to get photos of the screws in the boards to show they are one and the same? galaxee: yeah sounds like a great idea now but honestly I was too stunned to do anything but drive off and out of the vicinity of this neanderthal!!! powphilprius: I think neanderthal is too close to a homo sapian to describe this creature!!!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fgray30 @ Jun 28 2006, 09:30 PM) [snapback]278374[/snapback]</div> Yup, I'm bringing the digital camera with me tomorrow to do just that. Can you tell I'm a lawyer?
fgray30, where did this happen?! (So I can stay away!) One of our hazards in Tulsa is our very own village idiot, Biker Fox. He does bicycle "tricks" on 4-8 lane roads and in the medians during rush hour at locations throughout the city. All 800,000 of us have to keep an eye out to avoid hitting him.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(M. Oiseau @ Jun 28 2006, 10:23 PM) [snapback]278400[/snapback]</div> Run the M-F over and be done with it for cryin' out loud.
M. Oiseau: Sorry, just filled out my profile now... so as you can see I'm in Australia. Normally we are a laid-back bunch but as you can see there's always SOMEONE!!! <_<
Sorry to hear about the pedestrian acting completely nutso. That is completely uncalled for. What did the cop say when you filed the report? I've had similiar incidents in parking lots; most ending with the pedestrian yelling at me to "watch where I'm going". but nothing where a pedestrian has hit my car. Most people are surprised they don't hear the car.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(JillGT02 @ Jun 28 2006, 08:18 PM) [snapback]278360[/snapback]</div> FWIW, i always copy the BBB in cases like this. there have been several times where the company will refuse to fix whatever it was they caused (in response to my letter to them), and then a week or two later they're bending over backwards for me when the BBB contacts them.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee @ Jun 28 2006, 06:27 PM) [snapback]278370[/snapback]</div> DO NOT f@*# with our Gal(axee)! I know I wouldn't, I can't run that fast!
Well, welcome to Priuschat? Congratulations on your new car and I'm really sorry to hear about that jerk. I keep a disposable caperan in my glove box at all times. Initially in case of an accident and I want pictures, but if something like this happened, you know I'd be running after that guy snapping pictures. And because I was once a victim of a "witness-less accident", I also plan on taking pictures of license plates and drivers surrounding me at the time of the incident. Those pictures will be filed with the police report for when insurance wants witnesses or - in my case - the other guy lies.
Sorry, mate. Idiots abound in my town, too. The other night a jaywalking redeployed Mexican dressed in black crossed against the light. My left diagonal view was momentarily blocked by the A-pillar and, combined with stealth mode, caused the miscreant to jump and spew a stream of invectives (I think) in Spanish while approaching the car. I floored it and left, luckily no harm done to anyone or anything.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(fgray30 @ Jun 28 2006, 06:09 PM) [snapback]278351[/snapback]</div> My assumption: A drunk American tourist teaching you a lesson for not driving on the right side of the road. :wacko: