We recently went on a weeklong trip and when we returned to the airport parking lot our Prius (206K) took a lot of persuading to back out of the parking space. Managed to get it moving but when we stopped on the way home the red triangle light, VCS and another light came on so off to the Dealer we go. I have no faith on this Dealer. Our CEL has been on periodically for over 3 years and the code is for the Cat Converter(s) but it always goes off long enough for us to get it inspected. So Dealer tells me the traction battery, 12V battery and Cat Converters need to be replaced - Oh, and the water pump. Part of the reason I have "no faith" is that I have heard this "water pump needs replacing" for 3-4 years. Over that period of time I have never observed a leak and only one time added about 8 oz of antifreeze. I have also not had any issue with the 12V which I replaced about 5 years ago. Traction battery ~$3,350, CAT ~$2,500, 12V ~$350, Water Pump ~$400 + 7.75% NC tax --- roughly $7,000 for a car that KBB says is worth about $3,500. The Dealer has offered me $1,000 cash. I do not have to buy a car from him to get the $1,000. Does this sound like a crock of #### or realistic? Is $1,000 a fair price? If that is too low what are my options to sell the car? It is in pretty good shape other than the above - body is good -especially for 206K and 11+ years. I left at the Dealer but drove it there. The battery is now down to 2 purple bar. Wish I had thought to check it before he diagnosed the issues but hindsight...
I think you had a good run with 200k miles. Try to list it privately for $3000 and take the best offer. If you want to keep the car, buy a Dorman refurbished battery for about $1400 and install an aftermarket catalytic converter for $200. You can also try buying a grid charger and charging the battery back up. It may just be out of balance
The hybrid battery is old. So a week without driving it certainly could make it get a bit wonky. Add to that the fact that the car uses the big battery when driving in reverse. So immediately backing out of the spot on low battery made things worse. I would want to try a few things before completing condemning the car. First, have the 12v battery tested. Some battery sellers and some car part stores will do at no cost. If it tests good then I'd want to look more carefully at the hybrid battery. The problem may simply be an imbalance from sitting compared to a outright failure. You could overcome an imbalance. Feel free to call if you want to talk through a little more details on the nuances of what I'm describing.
Multitude of reasons we needed to move forward quickly so we decided to just can it and sold it to the stealer. Looking to buy a Prime from someone other than the stealer. Primes are few and far between in NC so we will likely be making a trip to VA or MD. Thanks for the advice. Any insights into buying a Prime (Advanced) would be welcome.