Does anyone know what these green dots on the map mean. I'm thinking it's my more traveled path. Where the car will generally try to force electric mode because it knows I travel it often and likely could be turning off the car shortly. I used to have a C max. And it had a GPS mode as well the last 2 mile plus, it would force for the electric mode
and what does "Predictive Efficiect Drive" mean and what does it do? Does it do what I was trying to suggest and that it trys to go into all elec mode?
I would say the answer is no. It has nothing to do with electric mode and everything to do with when to start coasting when approaching a known stopping point.
Thank you for this response this is what I was hoping to receive not all of us or manual reading geeks. If all we're doing is quoting is the manual back each time why even had this discussion board. I am a Geek in may ways, just not the car manual geek
Since no one was able to tell me how to get the green dots to appear on the screen, I went out and started pushing buttons Found the options button to be the one,(there are three options for predictive efficient drive, traffic)
The dots (red in center) are route trace markers. You must've it turned on at some point. It is helpful when you go places that are outside of mapped areas (to find your way back). Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thank you, I guess, I may have just stumbled on it when first getting the car, HELL I cant remember that far back. this is good, I will go look now to see what else I can turn on
Yeah PED will encourage you to lift off the accelerator earlier (you'll see the accelerator guidance, the blue bar, drop off earlier, signifying when you should lift off. When you do, the car will increase regen compared to a stop without PED). Also, as a navigation tip, may I suggest you do not enter your exact home address (esp. if you have Homelink programmed). I would choose a vicinity location (like the junction of a nearby major intersection) for security purposes. Besides, you know how to get back once you're in your neighbourhood anyway.
So... is this "PED" something that ALL Primes have, or is it available only in the Advanced model? (We won't have our Premium for at *least* two or three months, so I can't just go out to the car and start pushing buttons like some of us can... ........) I see where the NAV manual states "PRIUS PRIME_Wide Navi_OM47B68U_(U)" on every page, but I do NOT see any option *available* "disclaimers"... and so I'm still unsure about PED being on the Premium or Plus models.