Doing a search, you'll find a lot of outdated information. Too much has changed since plug-in rollouts began. So... let's start a new thread with facts relevant to 2017. Since back in 2012, I have been recharging my Prius (originally a PHV, now a Prime) at home by plugging into a standard 120-volt outlet. In a few days, we will have 2 Primes in the household. That means capacity must be added to the garage so my wife and I can both recharge at the same time. Taking advantage of faster recharging from 240-volt service and discounts from Time-Of-Use meters requires purchasing EVSE (Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment) chargers and running new power lines. The following documents what I have done so far... We decided to get hardware as forward-compatible as possible. If we ever upgrade a vehicle in the future or a friend with an EV visit, we'll have a nice plug already available. We also get $500 per vehicle setup from our local electricity provider. So, why not? Prime has a maximum draw of 3.8 kW (as observed when plugging into a public station). The charger we found with a Wi-Fi interface is capable of delivering 10 kW. That's plenty good. With a 200-amp service-panel in the garage, feeding each 40-amp charger with the needed 125% capacity requirement wouldn't be too much of an effort for an electrician. #8 gauge wire and 3/4 inch conduit is more expensive though. Smaller chargers wouldn't need sizes that heavy or large. The cord for the outlet plug is only 12 inches. But having a line put in specifically for the charger shouldn't make that an issue. It won't be hardwired either. So if removable is ever needed, no big deal. The cord for the car plug is 24 feet, so that will reach anywhere in the garage and parked outside in the driveway. JuiceBox Pro 40 is the EVSE we purchased. $599 each. I now have them mounted on the wall to confirm cord placement and internet connection are well suited for both of us prior to getting an estimate from the electrician. I also got meter boxes for each of the lines. Progress updates & photos to follow. Anyone else have a recent purchase & installation experience to share ?
I will not reproduce my posts, but simply link to this discussion thread for 2017 primarily about ChargePoint for home. Home charging with ChargePoint and range added calculations
240-volt charger setup, prior to having the wiring installed. Convenient location for avoiding the cord from getting in the way. Easy access having the charge-ort in back on the passenger side.
you'll have to run prime two overhead, that's what i did, cause my wife parks the hycam on the right.
Nope. I back in, which provides more convenient access to the hatch and allows maximum room between the cars for both driver doors.
That might be due to the floor being out of flat and messing with your perception . Or at least give you an excuse.
i need as many as i can get. it might be from shivering, and can't keep the wheel steady. 48 degrees today. happy memorial day, glad our cookout was saturday.
74 and sunny here! The hydrangea finally rounded into form: No signs of cold for many months out here. Memorial Day tidings from the "Best Coast"
Always envious of a clean looking garage...oh, and the kayaks. Oh, and the prime... Congrats on a nice looking setup! Been there, done that. I have to back down the driveway into the garage where I live. My wife said the cursing afterwards was worth recording.
Location of the second charger before getting a 240-volt outlet. Parked backward for maximum driver door space between Primes.
I pulled into my garage a little while ago and I got closer than normal to the wall in front. (Actually, closer to the crap leaning against the wall.). The car balked and a huge BRAKE message appeared on the Jumbotron monitor. Cool!
I put a line of tape on the floor of the garage and I line it up with the middle line of the rear view camera. It keeps me straight and I don't hit anything. Also I put a piece of tape cross ways to let me know when I'm in far enough, better than hanging a tennis ball from the ceiling like my Dad did.
It takes a little trial and error to position the tape right but I have no fear of backing into the garage now.
I always park so close that the cacophony of beeps (and the big red BRAKE warning) greets me daily. Our garage is a little undersized and it's the only way both cars fit. I drew an arrow on the garage wall to line up with the edge of the right hand side mirror. Works perfectly for me.