Well, my beloved (Trim 6) 2005 Prius was totaled and I am looking for a new car. Another Prius is my first choice. In reading the reviews, it seems 2017 (would consider Trim 3 or 4) sits lower to the ground and less visibility, and slower to accelerate than the 2005. I am aware of all the other great improvements. But would be interested in opinions related to these two from 2017 owners. Are they really an issue? Thanks!
Thought that lower to the ground and less visibility factors in the 2017 Four might be noticeable, but the visibility seems better because there appears to be more glass than in earlier generations. And the car is quite peppy IMHO, but then I am a mature driver who only feels the need to go fast out of the stoplight now and then....for about 100 yards for the fun of it when there is a Corvette driver texting in the next lane. Sorry that your 2005 got totaled, but the good news is that you didn't! As to the lower to the groundness of the 2017, it could be a deal killer if your driveway is steep. While bicycling today, I watched a guy trying to SLOWLY back out of his almost level driveway without scraping the front of his black Ferrari. Now that car is too low for that house and most others if you look at the dip at most curbs. Fortunately our drive is near level (we designed it that way in a mountainous subdivision,) so we don't scrape unless driving too fast off the road.
I went from a Gen 2 07 Touring (also totalled ) to the 2016 3 with ATP, I like the change, especially the safety sense features and quietness. Not sure about the 2 cons you mention, I don't think the Gen4 is slower to accelerate, maybe in eco mode, but normal and power mode I feel like there is more pep. I've never quantified it, but according this site Green Car 0-60 Times | 0 to 60 & Quarter Mile Specs for Eco-Friendly Electric & Hybrid Cars The Gen 2 0-60 is 10.1 seconds, Gen4 0-60 is 9.6 seconds, but lets be honest, we don't get Prius's for their acceleration I don't remember in the gen2, but I don't think the seat could raise or lower itself at least in model I had. My Trim 3 has it. Visibility is about the same to me. The only thing I think I really wish I had in the trim 3 than the 4 is the Blind Spot monitor, but that's just me.
I never owned either a Gen 2 or Gen 3, but in test-driving in the past, I assessed the Gen 3 as a considerable improvement in most ways over the Gen 2 - but I didn't buy one. When Gen 4 came along, it was so impressive, I bought one immediately - certainly better than either of the predecessors. It's a peppy car, throw one around a roundabout and there is no comparison with previous iterations of PRIUS. It's fun. My last 2 or 3 cars, I had to take my driveway at an angle so the front didn't scrape, but the PRIUS is much easier than my previous Ford FIESTA which had to be almost stopped.
Hello Nucdave, sorry to hear that your 2005 met it's end. After 11&1/2 years and 160,000 miles I have just handed in my 2005 for a 2017. KV55 is now BX17. The roofline is lower, the car is longer, and the seats seem lower but I don't notice this whilst driving. The windscreen area is noticeably smaller and the rear view mirror needs to be raised up out of the way, easy enough to do. All this is very obvious when you get out of one into the other. The steering wheel is also smaller in diameter. Acceleration seems quicker to me but I am comparing a well used engine to a new one, plus the car sits on the road better than my old worn suspension allowed. I generally don't use the power available but think the difference on paper is not something you will notice in practice. Good luck.
IIRC the trim 4's are the ones without spare, if that's a factor for you. That's assuming you're in the 'States: you don't say.
I have owned a Gen I, Gen III, and now a Gen IV. The latest Prius has better acceleration than any of the previous versions and it handles better. The added bonus is that it gets much better MPG.
I also had the 2005 since new and got the 2016 last year - there's no comparison really. The 2016 feels much zippier and handles well, cruises better with the larger engine as well. While it feels lower, ground clearance seems to have improved as I haven't managed to scrape the front underside yet - the 2005 was always grounding. Feels a lot more mature overall.
Thanks everyone for your help! I did get the 2017 Prius 4 and I love it! Agree with all the comments. Simply raising the seat, using power mode on the highway, took away all concerns. I think some of the magazine reviewers may not spend enough time with the vehicle, which is why these forums are so important. Blind spot monitor is surprisingly useful for me. Yes, no spare tire, but trunk is deeper, which was a good trade-off since I do not drive many remote roads.
Don't forget huge backup camera. Your 2005 didn't have that. The only thing I miss about my 2005 is when on the map you could hit the map button and it would tell you current the street address.
I had a Gen 3 (2012) Prius 3 and now own a 2017 Prius 4, fully loaded. There is no comparison, IMHO. The 2017 is MUCH more fun to drive, handles better and is much more preppy. The overall experience with the in car displays is much improved and the added safety features are a great bonus. I don't regret the purchase one bit. Good luck!