So I specifically asked the service writer to do an alignment check: 'It is perfect but the printer is broken.' I'll be back with my cell phone and a single request, I want to take a photo of the wheel alignment. Bob Wilson
Should told them it pull, drifts to side , off center. here how it works, customer ask service writer to check ! Dispatcher see the work order there is no problem just customers request a check with no complaints nor problems, he knows factory will not pay for full 4 wheel alignment check if there no problem! So it's gets brushed off! fyi: some simple repairs/ checks may requires factory authorization so the dealer get paid for their time. doing certain repairs may get dealership a audit! They go thu every repair orders like a IRS. Audit,
What does that mean, exactly? Relating back to my Tundra, the factory alignment specs were way too wide. An alignment could be within spec and be terrible. I demanded that the alignment shop (never the dealership) set the camber and toe in at the center of the spec and the caster at the maximum allowable. That worked great for a Tundra. I demanded that...because the customer is always right. If they wanted my money, they did it my way within spec. So...Whatever the Prius spec is, I'd demand that it be set at the center of the spec, not "within spec."
I went ahead and bought magnetic base, camber gauge. I am getting the same lack of support from the BMW dealer. Bob Wilson
What exactly is your complaint about the alignment? You know, these aren't exactly the truest tracking vehicles on the road. Your sig says "4K mi" so that's probably not enough to observe uneven tire wear, the dead giveaway of a bad alignment.