Update: My wife just told me that she did not pay the fee yet. And would pay once they find out what the problem is. Our 13 Prius III with 40k miles had the yellow triangle and "check hybrid system" warning today. My wife had it towed to the dealership and had to pay for a diagnostic fee of $99. Say if it's the HV or coolant inverter, would the diagnostic fee be reimbursed since the repair is under warranty? Also, are we entitled to a free loaner for a warranty repair? Thanks Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
One would assume the diagnosis would be covered for a warranty repair. Low miles, very low on your 13 to be experiencing this problem. Hopefully it's nothing major and covered by warranty. Please let us know what the dealership finds. Your Prius is barely broken in. Has it ever been in a serious accident?
Nope. No accidents that were aware of. We bought it pre-owned from a Toyota dealership and it came with a clean car fax with no accident history. All body panels have original paint. I wonder if it's normal for them to collect the fee before any diagnostics are made. It may be standard procedure I'm assuming. We have to leave it overnight since they're closing in an hour. They will call us tomorrow. I'll keep this post updated for record keeping and for others who may have similar questions. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
My wife just told me that she did not pay the fee yet. And would pay once they find out what the problem is. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
it may just be a glitch. they shouldn't charge you, but who knows, dealers a re scummy. i would put up a stink. google the message, i'm sure it has been reported here before. it could be the inverter module, i can't remember. how fast was she going?
35-40 mph before the vehicle went into a limp mode. I looked online and tried to walk her through a on-off cycle 3-4 times to see if the problem would go away but it did not. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I've got hit with a diagnostic fee, for "CHECK HYBRID SYSTEM" message, plus some brake related warning lights, 2~3 times now. Typically $75~. It rankles, but I eat, just how things are now. Loaners? Only if the repair is gonna be more than a day I think. And if you bring it one day, and it's ready the next: that'd be borderline. Be interesting to know how it turns out, what the problem was. Hopefully they find it. In our case btw, it might have been a constantly plugged in scan gauge, messing up communications. I've disconnected it going on 2 years back now, no further warnings.
I can't wait until the dealership calls tomorrow. I have been researching and I can only assume what is wrong with it w/o being able to scan it now. I read one thread that said the owner got the same message, disconnected the Neg (-) battery terminal for a few minutes and reconnected it and all the warning lights went away and car drove like normal. Though I'm assuming that the 12v is possibly bad (4 years old, pretty sure its the original) and hope it is just that. But then again, I would not care if it was something that is covered under warranty. What sucks is that my tacoma has a leaking brake master cylinder and I am borrowing my dads car. I took tomorrow off from work at the last minute once my wife told me about the Prius. Gives me a chance to fix the truck tomorrow and return my dads car so we can have at least one working vehicle this weekend with the option of borrowing my dads if needed.
Update: A service adviser called my wife and said that a part inside the inverter needs to be replaced and it has to be ordered. It is covered under warranty. She mentioned something about a loaner (which I'm assuming it will be provided at no cost) but I am waiting for the SA to call me and give me more details about the issue at hand.
Sounds like the IPM (Intelligent Power Module) in the inverter will be replaced. Yes, should be covered under warranty, and free loaner provided. You may also be able to get reimbursed for the tow as well.
We pay for roadside assistance through our car insurance for theses types of problems so I'm not worried about being reimbursed. Just glad it is something we don't have to pay for as far as repairs go. We got the car pre-owned and the dealership did the E0E recall flash before we picked it up. I can confirm because we had to go back there two weeks ago to pick up the certificate for registration renewal for that specific recall repair.
Got the Prius back today. These are the codes they found. P0A7A P0A94 P3004 P324E When they reset it, only P0A94 (Failure at IPM Board) came back. They replaced the board and upon inspection, they found an oil leak at the timing chain cover and replaced the gaskets for the cylinder, spark plug, water inlet, and camshaft, all under warranty.