Our house and garage was flooded Sat night. I have attached pictures of where the water was before we evacuated. The car starts and drives fine and it does not appear that water got into the car. But, I am paranoid and concerned about down the road. Also, I just got denied on our house claim so i dont want to file an auto claim if there is no point and will get denied as well. based on these pictures is there anything i need to look for or check out as far as possible water damage? does the water level based on these pics seem like there could be water damage?
You said these pictures were taken before you evacuated? Did the water level rise while you were gone? I would call around to body shops, and try to find one that sounds confident in spotting or evaluating water/flood damage. Have them take a look. And if you just google the terms "How to Determine Flood Damage In Car" a whole lot of information will appear. Good Luck.
All gearboxes are sealed, which just leaves brakes and wheel bearings that *might* suffer from water and silt intrusion. The power/hybrid systems are fine. If it was just for a couple hours I wouldn't give it a lot of thought.
If it were me I would spot check under the carpets for water. Then I would pull all the removable panels and boxes out of the back and visually check the high voltage and 12v battery compartments for water. Corrosion is a slow beast with the potentially bad results down the road if delectrical parts are not dried out. With that said, almost all of the vulnerable connections that are not inside the cabin are usually adequately gasketed and sealed.
bummer dude! that's the worst. all the best with your cleanup. i think the car is okay, how many inches?
Generally, flood damage is not covered under your standard homeowners policy. You need to buy a separate flood insurance policy that is usually backed by the National Flood Insurance program. However, if you have comprehensive coverage, it normally would cover flood damage to your car. (Note my use of "generally" and "normally"- insurance is regulated by the individual states so can vary based on where you are located.) I couldn't tell if your house had damage and the claim was denied because of the lack of flood insurance or if there really wasn't any damage and it was denied because of that. Either way, if your car has damage and you have comprehensive, it should normally be covered and worth pursuing. Sorry for your flooding. That is not fun.
thanks everyone. yes our house was flooded. dealing with that now. unfortunately we did not have flood insurance so our claim was denied. friend of mine said that based on the pictures i should file a claim, but wanted to make sure before going forward with another rejected claim.
Hi there! Sorry for your flooding. It feels really bad when your home and car got damaged due to water. Generally, flood damage does not cover under home insurance policy there is a separate insurance policy for flood damage. So, for the flooded house one may have to claim for flood insurance. By looking at the pictures, if water does not get into the car than the car is fine, but if the car got damaged due to water then I think you have to claim for an insurance. Few days back similar happens with my friend who got flood damage in the house. So he files a claim, but the claim got denied. So after searching online he has taken the help from a public adjuster Fort Lauderdale for filing the claim.