Hello guys. I just bought a preowned 2013 Prius v (lowercase v for the Prius v wagon because only 2010 Prius used uppercase Roman numerals for model designation) Five with 38k miles. When I first drove the car. The MPG on the dash was stuck to 41.1mpg. I took it down all the way to empty. Once I filled up, the gauge started to fluctuate. I'm guessing after the fill up, it resetted. The highest I am seeing is 32mpg. I've been working on my pulse and glide technique and acceleration during take off. I have been driving the car pretty smooth lately. The weather has been above 80 here in NYC. And I made sure all 4 tires were at 44psi. My question is which has been bugging me is.... I just want to know if anybody else or has anyone seen numbers like these before? 29mpg to 32mpg? Do I need to drive more miles to get a better reading? Does this car have a problem?
MPG around town or highway speeds? Around town I get 45+ MPG. On the interstate I get 39-41 MPG or so... The dash MPG indicator is tends, at least with our car, to register 2-3 MPG high. You should manually calculate the MPG over a number of tank fill-ups.
Our 2012 Prius v Five indicates 42.4 lifetime MPG. Tire Pressures: 40-42psi Front, 39-41 psi Rear. Driving technique is 'driven', conventional, nothing special, 65-70 on the highway, traffic permitting.
Well lately I have been taking my girl to work which is driven in town. Stop and go traffic in the morning time which is 5 miles there and 5 miles back. I'm sure it's because of the short distance driving. I have been trying to hit the highway, put in some miles and see if anything changes. I know the previous owner lives in Long Island so I'm sure she was driving more distance than the type of driving I'm using it for. I was just curious because I want to make sure the car has no issues. I just got it last Saturday. Question: The MPG does reset after refills?
MPG does not reset on refill (can be reset manually when vehicle is at a stop, using the steering wheel "DISP(lay)" switches), but the DTE Distance to Empty (Range) on a full refill does evolve, reflecting most recent cumulative MPG.
You might want to check the manuals, etc for your car... 2013 Toyota Prius V Owners Manual and Warranty - Toyota Owners FWIW I keep tire pressure at what Toyota recommends...
I actually was able to get the Prius on the highway for a 40mile ride each way. And alllll is good. I was able to hit 44.1mpg. I guess it was just the stop and go traffic in the city that lowered my mpg by alot.
Congrats, you'll love the car, and all the room/great mpg. I run 40 front 38 back tires, and get over 47mpg. 2014 prius v.