Everything has been checked all fluids, voltages,and brakes. Check DTC and there are no codes but when I went to clear codes it said no code but I hit erase any way and all the lights cleared and the blower in in rear stopped blowing. The car started right up and went about 20 miles and it did the same thing and the same from the DTC codes where or what could be wrong. ECU the center display has been acting up but would it cause the check lights come on. This has me puzzled. Please need some help
wrong code reader? it's always worth checking the 12v, how old is it? the display may be the problem.
What reader are you using? Fan blowing from the back could indicate that the hybrid battery is going bad.
If you have lights on, you have DTCs. If your code reader says there are no codes, it is not up to the job. You need to use one that can read all the ECUs and the codes they set.
I drove the car to Autozone and it had the lights and the fan blowing in the HV battery compartment. They hook their code reader up and no codes , I told them hit erase codes anyway and when they did it cleared the lights and the fan quit blowing. I drove the car a while and the lights and the triangle of death came on again. I went to Oreileys and show no codes and hit erased and a lights cleared. This is weird?
they do not have prius specific code readers. you either need to go to toyota, or buy a mini vci, with toyota tech stream.
The code reader is not hybrid capable. You threw alot of codes it just can't read them.It will clear all codes though. Sounds like the Hybrid battery threw a ground fault nag and clearing that code will allow you to drive for a while till it lodges the code again. I think your hybrid battery is toast. Take the cover off the battery and see how corroded the connections are. Pull the orange battery safety inlerlock first.
Buy a Bluetooth OBDII reader from Amazon. ($20 or less) Pair it with your Android device. Download the free Torque app. Read the codes yourself.
Hi Folks, I pulled the HV battery out and removed all shunts and connectors to the cells and polished and cleaned all of the connectors. I read the cells and I had replaced number 17 cell about 3 months ago. The cells all read 8.0 volts except the one I replaced it was reading 7.8 volts. I put a charge on this one cell and I charged it to 8.5 volts and let it sit a while and it finally dropped to 8.1 volts. I then put a load test on it and it didnt drop below 7.96 volts and when I took the load off and then rechecked it was reading 8.0 volts. I put everything back in and drove the car and it performed well. Then about 2 weeks of driving it throwed all the lights on again and I was wanting to know if I need to put this one cell in a different place or can the ECU be causing the HV battery pack not causing this one cell to stay up in voltage with the other cells. Thanks for every ones help already.