Today, I started up my car (2007 Prius, 150,000 miles on it) after driving a good while, and (in that order) the ABS VSC and (!) lights came on. I have not noticed any difference in how the car drives, just a bit less MPG's, and the brake pedal is slightly more stiff. I have put it into diagnostic mode and it says the 12V bat is at 12.5V, so it SHOULDN'T be that (but we all know that test can be inaccurate). Could it be that the front brake pads need to be changed or a harness/wire came lose? Any help would be awesome, I am going on a field trip with my daughters class tomorrow morning and I have to drive. It is an hour drive on way. Thanks! I do not know if it has the original battery or not. It has not been in any major accidents (the previous owner bumped a few curbs with the front bumper, and none since I have owned it)
When your brakes are going bad, they will start to screech as there a a safety metal built in before you get down to no brakes at all. If you hear the fan on (fan by vent in back seat), this likely it could be related to the HV battery. You need to get the codes read by the Toyota dealer or place that can read Prius specific codes. I wouldn't drive it very far in this condition, rent a car.
I would if i had the money!! "traditional" cars I can handle with ease, my father is an ASE master mechanic, but hybrids make me a bit uneasy to work on. The fan on the HV battery runs as normal, and there is no unusual noises coming from the car at all. All the pumps come on and go off as the have since I purchased it, and driving it feels no different than before the lights came on. Perhaps a new battery, but I am not sure.... I unhooked the battery for just under an hour, and the lights were still on.
ABS codes will not be cleared by disconnecting the 12 V battery, as you have found out. Get the codes read, your dad should be able to help out, and then you will know the real issue. The braking system is not necessarily too hard to work on, just be sure you remove the two ABS relays in the engine fuse box if you are going to remove the callipers. With your dad's help, you should be ok.
Sadly, my Father lives in Texas and I am in Luckily, I have work on my own vehicles for the past 12+ years. There's just a LOT of interconnected circuits in hybrids that are not in traditional vehicles. Still wondering if it may be the battery.....Looking at it, it absolutely is the original battery...... And tomorrow I go back to work for 12 hour shifts....
Well, to avoid chasing ghosts, do not assume that it is the battery or anything else. Get the codes read and then you'll know with what you're dealing. Most likely will be something simple and not at all what you're imagining. (BTW, your profile says you have a 2002? Time to update?)
Please don't drive a car load of children in a car with a brake problem. Cancel the trip if you can't get another car or a substitute driver. Brake problems are not like engine problems, where a failure will cause the car to stop.
So, wanted to update everyone that has read and/or helped me with this. Found a shop locally that will scan the car for free (!!!!!) and they put it on the lift (still no charge!) and checked it out. It is just the wheel speed sensors. Looks like the passenger side wire has gotten worn down from rubbing against something and the drivers side sensor plate is slightly broken, looks like a rock got in there from driving (I drive on a lot of back roads...that's Vermont for you!) Found the parts (relatively) cheap, compared to the dealership charge of $300 a piece! Thank you everyone for your help and concern. And I hope this helps anyone in the future with the same issue! If anyone is in Vermont and near Lamoille County, check out Madadashcar (in Stowe and Morrisville), they rock!!
These lights will come on for a Brake Actuator Assembly. Bad news -- it's a horrifically expensive part, and can only be changed by the Dealership. Good news -- Toyota has issued an enhanced warranty, good out to the end of 2017. If you get the lights, you might want to go ahead and pay the Dealer to run diagnostics. If the actuator is the problem, doing it this year will save you three or four thousand bucks. Mine is at the shop right now and they think this is the problem.
And, Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner! It's the Brake actuator, it's covered, and the parts are actually on island -- I might even get the car back today (which means my son can drive it, I can get my Gen 3 back from him, and I can return the borrowed 4-Runner in which I can literally WATCH the gas gauge move)!
One added side question since I have these three yellow lights shining up: does it only occur when reaching a specific speed limit? For me it WAS 128 km/h. Now it is as soon as I pass 113 km/h. Is the solution different then?