Anyone living in SoCal and is a SCE customer, there is a new $450.00 rebate just announced for electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid owners. The rebate is also applicable to gen 1 Prius PIP in addition to the Prius Prime. Additional details and application is available via Clean Fuel Rewards Program | SCE Clean Fuel Rewards Program
Give KyLien a big cheer! Thank you!! Just applied! So in the end, the Calif Rebates for this car are: $4502 (Tax Refund if you have the liability) $1500 (State of CA) $450 (Calif Low Carbon Fuel Rebate) Not bad! Kind of helps make up for the fact that the Toyota dealers are giving less cash back on the Primes here in Calif than in other states, because the demand is so high. One thing to note, the rebate is NOT from SCE -- they (as always) are simply trying to falsely take credit for it. They're administering it... but the MONEY is: "...funded by the State of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program.." (This is just like those discount $1 LED lightbulbs you see from time to time, with "SCE DISCOUNT" printed on it, trying to make people think SCE is paying for the difference, when for that program, the savings is funded entirely by us, SCE's ratepayers, not one penny of it from SCE. Just thought you'd like to know). Anyway, thanks so much for the tip! Applied and waiting for the rebate check! (Says 30 days processing time plus up to 90 days for sending-out-check time)...
you need to submit a scanned copy of the registration ... below if from the email i received: Document Received - Clean Fuel Rewards Program #S-000743 Thank you for submitting your permanent vehicle registration for the Clean Fuel Rewards Program. We received it today and will review your application for completeness and accuracy. We are currently reviewing applications within 30 calendar days of the date that supporting documents are received. Depending on volume of applications, delays may occur.
So total rebates so far would be: $4500 Federal Tax rebate (if you owe that much) $1500 California State rebate $450 SCE (or whomever they are taking credit for) $1000 Toyota (taken off at the dealership) $7450 kind of takes the sting off of having to pay almost full price for the vehicle (i.e. "we have 3 people who will buy this car right now, so take it or leave it") Maybe there will be more rebates and we'll all get our Primes for free.
@Jnbrown, that's true but keep in mind that you can be claim credit annually until 2020 as long as you own your car.