Just purchased my 4th Prius- used, and did not encounter this with my last 3. I live in a VERY quite community and need to get the door lock chirp deactivated. I have a 2013 Prius C 2, so no Smart key just a standard remote. Seems like it should be something easy through the dash menu, but I can't find it. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated- by my neighbors-
Here is the manual https://www.toyota.com/t3Portal/document/om-s/OM52A87U/pdf/OM52A87U.pdf Customizations start on page 520 On page 521 is a operation buzzer volume from 7 to 0, just above that is an On/Off for the operation buzzer. Only the dealer can turn it off, but according to this chart, you can reduce the volume to 0. Page 51 says it will buzz once for lock and twice for unlock, it also say the dealer can customize it, I see no instructions for you to customize it, but now you know you are looking for operation buzzer in the menu.
Excellent link. I guess my issue is, I do not have the ability to change the setting via my dash commands. I was able to do this on my 2015 Prius C1, but I can't seam to find it on this 2103 Prius C2. After reading posts on the differences between a C1 and C2, I am thinking the seller was wrong telling me it was a C2. It does have leather seats, but they are not height adjustable, also, are all C2's supposed to have cruise control and rear speaker Said?
Bought from a Prius lease reseller in Newport Beach CA. The add states 2013 Pruis C2, the paperwork only states Prius C. Still got a pretty good deal- just seem to have a C1 with leather seats.. Caveat Emptor....