I just picked up my silver #7 today. I am liking it even more than I thought. It is just a comfortable car. How do I remove those stupid warning sticker things from the visors?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jmann @ Jun 27 2006, 11:53 PM) [snapback]277869[/snapback]</div> I don't think you do without making a mess of the visor. They are made to be permanent.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jmann @ Jun 27 2006, 10:53 PM) [snapback]277869[/snapback]</div> Have fun getting to know your car! How long did you have to wait for yours? And try to lose that grin, yeah, go ahead...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jmann @ Jun 27 2006, 08:53 PM) [snapback]277869[/snapback]</div> Try This I found the more I soaked the visor in water the easier they came off. With a little patience it's fairly easy. Good luck, Mike
Wow, that is almost exactly how I would have thought I would have to do it. I suspected steaming would be required. Once I have a car (actually I think it was one of my mother's minivans) where they just pealed off. How long did I wait? well, that is not an easy question to answer because I wanted to pick up my car June 30th, and picked it up on the 27th. But that is not the whole story. With a lease that expires July 30th and a tax credit that potentially expires (at at least halves in value) July 1st, I orderd a prius in january from "dealer A" with the stipulation that it be delivered in June. Well, delaler A, called me up some time in the begining of april and said "your car is in," and I said "NO." Why would I pay for another car before I intended to? (taking into account insurance, depreciation, and the fact that the warranty was running.) So, I daid to dealer A "fix it." When I ordered the car, dealer A made a big deal about how they were the biggest dealer of the prius in the state and how that gave them more working room to mipulate orders and that they just moved people around on their lists to make exact delivery times work out. whatever. but while dealer A was trying to then sell me thing I did not want, I went to Dealer B. Actually, about a month ago, i called up Dealer B and said "what do you got coming in that has not been claimed?" I was told that a silver 7 was coming to port on june 5th. so I put a deposite on it. Then yesterday picked it up. Meanwhile, I still have not heard from dealer A recently. Hmmm. I am going to fax in my order cancelation to them today... then maybe i will hear from them. You know, I have a copy of the toyota shipping schedule sitting in my kitchen right now. It is not like the prius jumps on the next plane out ot Toyko and knock on you door. So there really was not excuse for dealer A's screwup. This is a short version of the story. With dynamic pauses ans sarcasm, it can be funny. But I got my prius, and that is what counts. AND I get free car washed for life (that is pretty cool, I guess, as long as I stay in a convienient location to use it. Every dealer thas their gimmick).
Congratulations on your new Prius! At least we don't have the sticker on the visor in the Prius that warns of "high rollover risk" like on my friend's newish 4Runner.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jack Straw @ Jun 28 2006, 08:58 AM) [snapback]277980[/snapback]</div> This was in January, before that was determined by first quarter sales < 60,000