2010-2011 Prius Video Input / Switching Solution. Works with others too.

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by cproaudio, May 18, 2017.

  1. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    I've been searching for a video input module for my 2010 Prius with ATP for several years now with no luck.
    GVIF video converter/switchers are very expensive. The video switchers I did find don't have all the features I want. I decided to build my own video switcher that hijacks the rear camera as input.

    I've designed it so that it can also be used as automatic side camera switcher like the Honda and integrated the Turn Signal Rear Cam Activation function as well. The module is based on relays and diodes so there's no video processing at all. The module switches video only, no audio switching.

    The base module can be used as 2 video switcher when using the rear cam hijack method or 3 video switcher when using the A/V input harness method. Compatibility wise, it should work with most Toyotas as long as the rear cam activation is not through CANBUS like the 2012-2014 Prius v with ATP or the 2013 Avalon.

    Hijacking the rear camera for input allows instant video switching at any speed but shows warning dialog and distance guide depending on your car. This seems to be the only option for 2010-2011 Prius and some other Toyotas such as the 2013-2014 Sienna and Tundra with 6.1" nav. The Axxess harness for the rear cam compatibility are listed according to the manufacturer. You'll have to buy the harness separately if you want as much PnP as possible. You'll have to cut the reverse wire at the radio for this method to work unless you can find a proper male and female harness which can be hard.

    Using A/V harness like the Beatsonic AVC39 for input allows 3 video switching and no warning dialogs but at the cost of only working at less than 5mph unless you bypass the speedlock. You'll have to buy the A/V input harness separately.

    With turn signal compatibility option, the video switcher can be used to switch between left, right and rear camera. You'll have to install the side cameras yourself. It can also be used as TSRCA without side cameras. I doubt anyone will use this option because installing side cameras involves a lot of work. However, the option is there if you want it.

    If you're going to use the video switching module as automatic side camera switcher, at least one set of your turn signal bulbs must be incandescent bulbs.

    Auto side cam switcher is hooked up to the turn signal to show the side cameras and allows you to manually select the either cameras to view while driving without using your blinkers.

    Safety first!! By default, rear cam takes priority over everything. When you put your car in reverse, the rear cam overrides the video input mode or side cam view mode. This safety can be turned off if the video input is used to enhance safety even further such as side cam view during parallel parking. The option to override is at your discretion.

    As one of the main features of TSHRCA module, the video switcher allows rear cam viewing while driving. This feature does not work if you use the A/V input method because you're not hijacking the rear cam for input.

    Lastly, as one of the features of TSHRCA module, If you're using the module as side camera switcher and just got tired of all that side cam switching every time you use your turn signal, the auto side cam switcher can be turned off.

    Here are the preliminary features.
    2VS .png
    I'm at circuit design phase. I'm looking at toward the end of the year before a working prototype. I know a few people on this forum with multiple cameras who could use a switcher like this. In the mean time, if you're interested in the video switcher, let me know. What do you guys think?
    #1 cproaudio, May 18, 2017
    Last edited: May 18, 2017
    mgb4tim likes this.
  2. mgb4tim

    mgb4tim Noob

    Jul 8, 2009
    Pittsburgh, PA
    2010 Prius
    3 way switcher is great, but 4 would be even better so we could mount a front camera to avoid those high parking curbs
  3. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    Anything more than 3 inputs will be too complicated to design and control and and would lose some of the features mentioned and would require a bigger board than my circuit program would allow. Not to mention would cost way more than what a 3video switcher would have cost. I may revise a 7 input switcher that I made for a family member. I mean I hate to made a 7 input switcher just for the sake of having a 7 input switcher on the market and nobody buys it. Anyway there's already a 4 video switchers on the market.
    mgb4tim likes this.
  4. bobzchemist

    bobzchemist Active Member

    Aug 2, 2016
    Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
    2010 Prius
    I was absolutely looking for something like this. Ideally, there'd be a way to replace the rear camera with a 12v aftermarket version, too. (I'd settle for just instructions to do that, actually)

    I do have to add, though, that having two front bumper cameras would be awesome. It's annoying not to be able to see that area when I'm parking. I want this badly enough that I was planning on buying two small folding monitors, one for each side of the dashboard, two front bumper cameras and two side view cameras and then try to figure out manual switches to switch each from front to side views.
  5. cproaudio

    cproaudio Speedlock Overrider

    Jul 7, 2010
    2010 Prius
    This is the 6 camera switcher I made back in 2014. Front and rear view are switched manually. Left, center and right view are turn signal switched. I'll see if it's possible to revise the prototype switcher with the features mentioned above with the board size I can work with. If not, it's back to 3 video switcher.
    bobzchemist likes this.
  6. bobzchemist

    bobzchemist Active Member

    Aug 2, 2016
    Kennesaw, Georgia, USA
    2010 Prius