Clean Fuel Rewards Program | SCE Clean Fuel Rewards Program From the link: A Reward for Fueling With Clean Energy If you drive a new or used Electric Vehicle (EV), you may be eligible to receive a $450 Clean Fuel Rebate. By driving an EV, you’re contributing to a cleaner energy future. The Clean Fuel Rebate is funded by the State of California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard Program, which helps combat climate change by encouraging the use of clean fuels, like electricity, in vehicles. Clean Fuel Rebate Eligibility Requirements If you meet these few requirements, you’re eligible for the Clean Fuel Rebate. Please refer to the FAQs for additional information on program requirements and contact us with any questions. You are a customer of Southern California Edison (SCE) with an active residential electricity account in SCE’s service territory. You own or lease an eligible plug-in EV (battery electric or plug-in hybrid) as defined by Drive Clean. The vehicle, identified by its unique Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), is registered at the same residential address as the address on your SCE electric service account. You have paid the current vehicle registration fees in the State of California. Each EV, identified by its VIN, can qualify for the Clean Fuel Rebate up to three times over its lifetime, but only after a change of possession (i.e., new owner or lessee, as applicable). Each household may receive the Clean Fuel Rebate only one time for an EV, but if you transfer ownership, the new owner (or lessee, if applicable) will qualify for a rebate – as long as the new owner or lessee meets the other eligibility requirements and the vehicle has not reached the maximum of three rebates associated with the EV. If you have multiple eligible EVs in your household, you may receive a rebate for each vehicle if you otherwise qualify. EDIT: Looks like SDG&E customers can get a $50 bill credit: Electric Vehicle Climate Credit | San Diego Gas & Electric PG&E is giving $500: Clean Fuel Rebate for electric vehicles
I just spent like the last hour telling everyone I know and posting it on FB . I'm surprised I havent heard about it sooner since I kind of follow EVs, electricity, solar and SCE/PG&E/SDG&E. It looks like my application was in the 300 range, so relatively new, for SCE anyway.
why in the world was this topic stuck in the pip - forum when it's actually best served under the main new news item forum. it's not like that the money only goes to gen1 pips. I only found this here by coincidentally doing a browser search for Edison rebates. Oh well. maybe the mods will show some love so members won't have to depend on accidentally stumbling upon this. Still - thanks for trying, i guess. EDIT: looks like the mods must be at my beckon call .