Oh and those orange brake dust spots are visible on Blizzard Pearl. Wait till you find out retouching/repainting Blizzard Pearl requires 2 layers of paint.
Orange Is The New... Pollen. At least in my region... dark orange spots on the paint, is pollen. It can be easily removed with care (not rubbing too hard and keeping it well lubricated). If it's on the car's paint job... it's not likely rust from the breaks. My guess is pollen.
I noticed that on the edge of the rims. Thought wife had parked next to a sprinkler system using recycled water , was dust for sure. LG-H901 ?
Mine is definitely brake dust. I first saw it behind the wheel wells and the 2 front doors before I bought it used and requested the dealer clean it. Then a year after I noticed it was back and worse. A paint expert told me it was brake dust and how to remove it. I figured if it came back in just a year I'll just put up with it. because right now the paint chips are bigger. Until I'm willing to fix both it wouldn't make that much difference anyway.
Fred-dawg, did you ever get rid of those polliwogs that are swimming in your headlights??? I don't know where you guys are seeing brake dust... I ain't got no stinkin' brake dust! My Gen4 is flawless! (As long as you don't sit in the driver's seat that sinks... And you don't mind wearing earplugs because of the noisy tires that are made in Lower Slobovia....)
What's this about: "... As long as you don't sit in the driver's seat that sinks..." I've not read about this before, thanks.
I got cut off again. (If I had an EDIT BUTTON I could correct these things.) My manual driver's seat tends to lose the height adjustment (slowly sinks) over the course of about 3 days. So every so often I just re-pump it up before I sit down. It's a minor inconvenience. Maybe I should just lower it to the lowest setting, and forget about it. (The embarrassing fact is, I'm just a might too heavy for that seat, mate.)
I tend to always drive with seats set at their highest, so that's a worry - I'm 80kg - hope that's within it's happy range. Have you reported it as a fault?
Yep, easy fix, drilled a few holes in the headlights. HAHAH. Back on topic, guess what OP? Clear bra is so cool. Just checked wifes hood, and there appears to be a rock mark on the hood, luckily for her the paint was not chipped since she has a clear bra on it. But... the area where the rock made contact has dinged the panel slightly- FML....
I have found that the chips in my Blizzard Pearl paint job on my Prius show the black undercoat. And that the chips in my Attitude Black paint job on my Hybrid Avalon show the white undercoat. WHY TOYOTA, WHY?
I know what you mean. My grey Prius second generation had a white undercoat, my white Prius fourth generation has a black one. Great!
Its nothing do do with Prius..I have the exact same thing on the Blizzard Pearl Camry as well. I do a lot of highway miles so its bound to happen, my first reaction was, why are the new cars not more resilient..sigh !!
I thought it takes 3, white, pearl and clear? Has anyone tried the factory felt tip kit? I've been looking at Color N Drive system.
The factory touch-up paint work well -- on the white cars (have two BP) it's only noticeable when very clean ... and frankly ..It's a Prius .... who really notices ? Thats why I love my pod of Prius --- they just work .. not about looks.
Well if you wanna count the standard protective clear coat then yes that would be 3 layers. But all colors require the clear coat that is why I don't even bother mentioning it. And no it's not white and pearl (at least as it was explained to me by an auto paint store). It's actually a 1st layer of Pink base that gives the Pearl White color a pinkish hue and depth, and the 2nd pearl white with metallic flecks on it. You have to have the 1st layer dry by at least 30 minutes before applying the 2nd. And since controlling the thickness of the 2nd layer affects the hue of the color, it makes matching to the old paint difficult the store pointed only a few of their recommended painters are good enough to pull it off. Scared me enough not to go on with it as I was planning to DIY the touch up myself. And as for the felt tip kit... not sure if the one I got was expired or the sales person forgot to give me an accompanying pink 1st layer pen, but it looked like a mix of the white layer and clear coat so the grey metal showed thru.
You're probably right with the layering. Painting is a skill which becomes more difficult the more complex the paint composition. I've seen so many similar white pearl paints where it's so obvious that a panel has been re-painted. I've sprayed white successfully, it's quite straight forward. But later when I had a metallic car with a panel to repaint, a friend referred me to Boyd Coddington's book on how to paint a hot-rod. Fascinating book, but I soon realised it was a skill I likely didn't have.