OK, so I'm a glutten for punishment, but I just cant let this one go... After really diggin my wife's 2015, I came across a 2010 in a junk yard on the "For Sale" isle. Not a scratch on it, pearl white. dirty grey interior, nothin a good weekend scrubbin wouldn't fix. I ask what's wrong and how much. He blurts out "It's a Hybrid, we don't know anything about it, could be motor, could be battery, we don't know", then scratched his head for a price and said "$2100". I got in it and turned it on. Came up as expected, but with "Check Hybrid System" fault. everything else was fine. There was a Toyota Service checklist on the front seat, not filled out, and the standard car dealership service bay items (floor mat, steering wheel cover, etc) on the car. My thinking? They towed it in for service, dealership said "It needs a battery for $6K", and they said screw it, and sold it to the junk yard for $500 tops. I went back yesterday, and nothing works now, I think the 12V battery is dead. I have the VIN. anyway to look up with Toyota the last service record? Hoping maybe the dealer tech left a note about what was wrong with it.... Am I nuts? Doogie
2010 for $2100, wow what a bargain. You can register the VIN at the Toyota website, click onto the "owners" portal. Once you register the VIN you'll be able to see the service records, all the services done at the Toyota dealer. Alternatively, you can probably run a carfax and get information on the car. When the car doesn't start, the first suspect would be the 12v battery.
Track Your Service Records with Your Toyota Owners Account Assuming the work was done at a Toyota dealership, this should show all service and repairs.