As a lifelong "middle of the road Rebublican" I realize that my more conserative brethren are in a quandry as to whom they can find to run for the presidency when Dubya's term expires. I think I may have discovered just such a man. That man is James Dolan, President of Madison Square Garden and CEO of the New York Knicks. Based on his job performance in those positions as well as CEO of Long Island's Cablevision this gentleman is more than quaified to fill our president's shoes. His energy and drive to reach his present position also mirror those of our current president. Further, if he is nominated, the people of New York City and Long Island, Republican and Democrat alike, would vote for him overwhelmingly, thereby putting New York State in the Rebublican column for the first time in many years. I don't know what his politics are, but I think think that the RNC would be well advised to take a serious look. Sy Cohen
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(syclone @ Jun 27 2006, 04:53 PM) [snapback]277585[/snapback]</div> CEO of a spots franchise-----That hasen't worked to well this time !!!!
I'm not a republican, fyi. Independent, fairly liberal, often vote democratic party candidates. But from everything I've heard, Dubya's popularity is affectig the chances for republican candidates in the 2006 federal elections, just like Nixon's unpopularity gave the Democrats a virtual sweep in 1974, and it held over into the '76 presidential campaign. Personally, I thought Gerry Ford was an excellent president, and even campaigned for him (and I disliked Carter for his campaign promises that would be impossible to keep, like balancing the budget while lowering the tax rates or giving rebates and increasing spending on social programs). So my answer to your 'question' is 'any Democrat who wins the nomination'. If your question also implies 'which Republican will try for the nomination' I'd say it would have to be someone who's rich enough to throw good money after bad. As for your suggested candidate, I know nothing about him except what I read in your post. I agree that someone who is a CEO of a large business probably has executive ability. However, being a sports franchise owner may wind up coloring him as 'frivolous' off the bat, and it's hard to see where he'd be able to claim experience in foreign policy.
Arnie might decide to run. With a wife who is a member of the Kennedy clan he is probably not republican enough. Afterall, funding for our Developmentally Disabled programs has actually improved under The Terminator's governorship. That is not very republican. Isn't Jon Stewart in there for a write-in candidate....why don't we make it a whole write in ballot, then it would at least be more interesting.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ Jun 27 2006, 03:42 PM) [snapback]277628[/snapback]</div> He can't. Not without a Constitutional amendment. In 1968, a man named Marvin Kitman "ran" for the republican nomination. He ran as a "Lincoln Republican," pledged to keep the promises the Republicans failed to keep, maybe in 1868, I don't remember. Kitman was cool. I don't know if he's still alive, but I'd vote for him, regardless. I think the Republicans should nominate him. What's more, with a major party backing him, I think he could beat any of the likely Democrats.
Eh, it's a moot point; it will be Hillary Rodham or maybe even more leftist, John McCain. No real GOP will win
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(wstander @ Jun 27 2006, 06:40 PM) [snapback]277688[/snapback]</div> I love it....As long a large number of Republicans think of McCain as a leftist the better chance someone else will get the nod....And that is very good news for whoever the Democrat ends up being.
I still don't think the US is grown up enough to look at ANY woman much less HRC. We are basically 2 countries, the middle section (with few exceptions) and the coasts. Very hard to please both as we are at opposite poles. Arnie has been around for so long and is such a good ( ) actor that you forget he is not a native. I like the George Carlin idea, it's not like it could get much worse.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jeannie @ Jun 27 2006, 05:27 PM) [snapback]277619[/snapback]</div> Uh...seems to me I hear those promises from every Republican candidate that runs and it doesn't seem to be stopping anyone from voting for matter how ridiculous the promise.
I would love to run.. If I won and the DEM's / REP's did not kick me out after one year... I must have not done a good enough job.. and get very good people around me to help. And I would not run for 2nd term... no if's.. and's... or but's... First thing is I would get budget under control.. kill out all the pork... and I mean all of it... I think it is 45% bloated... Bill hits my desk and I smell bacon.. reject until we get it right ... lots of states will have to learn to do for them self.. no free handouts... Then off to the boarders... Poof... dream over... Until "ALL" are run out of the DC area things will not change..
So, back to the Repubs who'll be running in 2008: I'm afraid of George Allen and Rick Santorum. Seriously afraid. Now, Rick's a little too far to the right (I think) to be taken seriously in a national election. What scares me about ol' Georgie Allen is his physical and verbal likeness to Bill Clinton. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing, though, because he feeds and drinks all of the kool-aid of the Bush administration and supports his buddies like Rick Santorum. SOOOO...he appeases the far right base through his nonsensical social policies AND sways those uninformed swing and Democrat voters who think he's Clinton reincarnated. How 'bout Mitt Romney? That'd be unusual, huh? A New Englander running on the Republican ticket. There's no way the GOP machine will let someone like that run...not only is he a "Northerner," but he's also LDS. I can't even imagine the good ol' Southern Baptists from places like my great Commonwealth of ol' Virginny voting for an LDS candidate. (And, btw, I kinda like him...he's okay for a Republican, I think.) And by that same token, if the Dems actually serve up HRC as the candidate, I don't think there's anyway they'll win. I'm still pulling for the Mark Warner/Wes Clark ticket...strong economic and military policies, with a lot of smarts and good geography thrown in. Oh, my head is starting to hurt. I don't know what I'll do if we have any kind of extension of the current administration.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(livelychick @ Jun 27 2006, 06:17 PM) [snapback]277744[/snapback]</div> Hmmm, I-75 runs north, right B)
i think hillary can win because she's a woman. she'll rally EVERY single female of voting age to the polls...
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ Jun 27 2006, 09:56 PM) [snapback]277776[/snapback]</div> Not if Mitt Romney runs on a ticket with Condi Rice as VP.....
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Prizzle @ Jun 27 2006, 10:07 PM) [snapback]277784[/snapback]</div> you might have a very good point there.... 'cause if even Mitt comes across amiable to some ardent lefties on this site, that says a lot... now here's a real uncomfortable question, who has a better chance of winning: a black woman, or a Jewish candidate? personally, i'd vote for Mitt because I believe he's an alien android. h34r: too bad some real hard core right winger couldn't just steal the election through some mystical means, someone like Pat Robertson or Rush Limbaugh... then, camp out on the Golden Gate Bridge with a camera and wait for the liberals to start jumping... h34r:
If we elected a president for a ONE SIX Year term, we would not have to go through all the BS with reelection and the pres could do his/her job.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(hdrygas @ Jun 27 2006, 10:18 PM) [snapback]277792[/snapback]</div> i'd be for JEB ALL THE WAY! ...anyone who makes it legal for someone to "fight back", has my vote. none of this "fleeing" bs no doubt enacted by crippled penile liberals...