I received a postcard from my dealer on Thur. (July 8) That I'm do for 120 day check up on my 2004 Prius. Has anyone else had a 120 day check up? I see in the schedule the the first maintance is 5000 mile or six months. I've had my Prius since March and have 3200 miles on it. I took it in on July 2 for the SSC 40D deal that only took 45 minutes to do. Well If anyone has had this 120 day check up done what does it consist of?
Never heard of it. There is a maximum time they recommend b/w oil changes, but AFAIK there is no Toyota recommended 'check up' at 120 days. Considering I've had mine for almost 9 months and haven't gotten such a notice I tend to think that it's a money making venture by the service dept.
That is what I'm thinking! Thank you for the reply! It is like Burger King sees a Porche pulls and the price doubles!
I put an order in and was told I needed a 2K OIL change. I suspect that some of the dealers are making it up as they go along. Others don't know Shit from Shineola. (forgive the vulgarity my grandfather had a colorful vocabulary and I listen well) I am also familiar with Fels-Naptha!
At my 5k oil change, the service tech put a sticker on my windshield that said that the next oil change was due in 3k miles. Obviously the person who put the sticker there didn't know what they were doing; i'm guessing other Toyota cars have an interval of 3k miles.
The "oil changing" industry has adopted a recommended oil change interval of 3000 miles. This has been in existence for many years. There is no rime or reason to this other and maximizing profits while generally wasting good oil. Even GM dealers put the sticker in their cars despite the fact most have oil life sensors and there is no need to change the oil until you are told to do so by the computer. It continues to disappoint me that so many dealers and service centers follow this change interval. It immediately demonstrates to me that they have no idea about the requirements for what they are servicing and immediately ends our business relationship.