I carry a single shot BB Gun with a 4.5 mm projectile size in the pocket on the back of the passenger seat. It looks surprisingly like a Glock, and has a real slide. It is legal to carry as long as it is not displayed in public, except that it may be legally displayed in a situation of self-defense.
I am a big fan of flashing the headlights as a warning. One flash for small infractions, many for life-threatening indiscretions. I recall hearing Steve Wozniak (of Apple Computer fame and a Prius junkie) say that he carried a souped up blue laser pointer in his car. A single flash into the mirror resulted in instant cessation of hi-jinks and movement to the right lane by the other vehicle. If memory serves me right, he said he often used it while speed testing the Prius on the I-10 (where he proved that a Prius top speed was 119).
Do you have the appropriate training needed to make proper use of a real, legally carried firearm? I mean the legal overview too, not just the gun operation and safety. If not, this is just asking for serious trouble. Maybe you cannot obtain the required license in your area. In the past, most California jurisdictions elected to not make them available to common (i.e. non-VIP, non-campaign-contributor) citizens. But the underlying training may still be available. A BB gun won't do the self-defense job of a legally carried firearm. But if you abuse it, it will get you into the same legal trouble as if you abused a real one. For an example, see this story: Man accused of pointing BB gun at pair in Rainier Valley charged with harassment, assault | The Seattle Times
In NJ, you have to have a permit to purchase a BB gun, slingshots are illegal, but I can purchase a flamethrower. Go figure.
I keep a pocket flashlight in the car. If headlight glare/tailgating in my rear view mirror is too bright I point the flashlight into homelink sensor to darken the mirror. The reflection off the mirror usually alerts the driver to back off as well.
Yeah, I am aware. Laws vary from state to state. A couple years ago Uncle Jerry changed a lot of the Cali gun laws, including those that apply to Airsoft and BB guns. As I stated, I am legal unless I don't display it in public, however it is legal to display it in self defense (it's so real looking it would scare most people). And no, you do not need a license as long as the projectile is less than 6 mm. Mine is a 4.5 mm. Simulated firearms can be carried in public as long as they are painted certain bright colors (the crooks in LA now paint legit firearms that way -- go figure). As far as the Seattle Fishwrapper story, the guy was from Tacoma (-1) and was an aggressor (-2). He would have been arrested with or without the BB gun based on his actions as described in the story. He was not defending himself.
If I'm placing bets... I'm saying the encounter you had was based on just meeting an idiot and had little to do with EV driving or being in a Prius. I also think you handled the situation correctly. Hollywood Movies, and some antiquated social stereotype would demand you emerge from your car deal with the situation like Vin Diesel. But in today's age? De-escalation and defusing the situation as simply as possible is IMO the best answer. This is simply a story as opposed to becoming anything from a law suit to a tragedy, and that's good.
My first reaction was "you should have opened the car door at speed right into his knees, then drove right over his precious bicycle" but yeah, you're probably right. I can't help think though that the lack of 'Hollywood-style' reactions to their antisocial behaviour is what results in a generation of ignorant disrespectful little tossers like this.
Who wants to install this custom horn set up to their Gen 4? Why can't manufacturers offer this as an option at least, if not standard? I reckon the softer chirp would definitely reduce the risk of road rage when I drive. Engineer creates world's friendliest car horn