"PriusinME" stated "I am picking up my new PP Advanced today. Paying $30,335. Hopefully that is a pretty good deal. I got $1,500 off as a rebate plus $2,769 for Preferred Customer Discount. Turning in my 2-year BMW i3 lease this week. I like the performance of the i3 but too bumpy here in Portland (Pothole), Maine" in prius chat "thread for all confirmed prices". I contacted the same dealer, and gave me similar deal but one the main difference was TM $2500 cash rebate. When I was in purchasing my prime, dealer had 2 Prime Premiums (one white and one blue) I do not which vehicle, but what I recollect was 27700 ( I do not remember if 2500 rebate was included or not). There is a prius chat thread called " Live in CA-buy in another state, "Prime Time" stated "Prime premium price here I'm being offered is 30500 before tax etc. I've been quoted as low as 25800 from East coast dealers before tax.
Checklist for a summer vacation to the NorthEast: Identify dealer(s) with the largest inventory of Prius Prime Speak with their Internet sales rep about terms and conditions Schedule to visit the dealers in the last week of the month Have existing car 'detailed' before packing including title Outbound, visit the dealer(s) and look over their inventory and get names and phone numbers Inbound, call to confirm car is still there; may require a deposit, and drive directly to best offer dealer Insist the back-up beeps reduced to one Transfer stuff from old car to new car Enjoy the rest of the vacation in your new car Drive by 'chez @bisco' with all lights on, tooting horn, and playing theme from Rocky, LOUD Bob Wilson
Southern region was providing 1500 cash rebate when purchasing new 2015 Prius v in August 2015, but the following month northern California dealers were providing 3500 cash rebate. Like "Bisco" said i "wonder what summer/fall will bring", in my opinion rebates will slightly better as end of the year. One way that I view at the current overall picture; "PriusinME" (Maine) 2017 Prius Prime Advance purchase price was 30,335 (including discounts+cash rebate, not including TTL) "LOLGuy" (Florida) 2016 Prius Gen4 trim 4 purchase price was 22,808.46 (including discounts+cash rebate, not including TTL) Difference, 2017 Prius Prime Advance - 2016 Prius Gen4 level 4, 30,335 - 22,808.46 = 7526.54. Subtract difference with 4502 from the feds, 7526.54 -4500 = 3024.54 Is not apples to apples comparison, but 2017 extra standard safety features, plug in features (25 mile adverstised EV range), park assist HUD,... I believe premium is acceptable. If comparing similar Prius vehicle: "Prime_Time" 2017 Prime Premium quote 25,800 (including discounts+cash rebate, not including TTL) vs "LOLGuy" (Florida) 2016 Prius Gen4 trim 4 purchase price was 22,808.46 (including discounts+cash rebate, not including TTL) then 2017 Prime Premium is lower in price when subtracting 4500 feds tax credit.
It will be definitely better ride than one you mentioned Independent rear suspension change entire feelings on the road Weight ratio is better between F and R You will enjoy I feel like hooked on rails driving throughout curves My other car is BMW M 760 and between two of them i feel almost like 150k car....minus acceleration i get with V12 cylinder Luxury and seafty are good My is Prime Advenced with all options Waited 5 months to get it delivered Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Let me suggest using the TABLE tags. You'll be able to post the same information in a form that can be loaded into a spreadsheet and plotted. So let me post an example using "{" to inhibit tag rendering which "[" is the normal character: {TABLE=HEAD] username | Plue | Premium | Advanced eguigal | | | $29628 @bwilson4web | $28500 | | {/TABLE] So this is what the table looks like with the "[" instead of "{": username Plue Premium Advanced 1 eguigal $29628 2 @bwilson4web $28500 Note that " | " and " , " separate columns. Occasionally I forget or miss a thousand digit separator. But it is easy to spot and fix. I also put an "@" prefix on the username so the user will get a notice which can help in having a second set of eyes check the math. Bob Wilson
One suggestion Bob, may your table can be added into ""thread for all confirmed prices" , there are many purchased prices in there.
Dealing with allergies this year, I'm not the right one. I'm interested but not committed. Bob Wilson
I live in Illinois where very few Primes are available, so I purchased mine in New York. When I took delivery on March 31, one of the salespeople told me that Toyota was focusing allocation on the West Coast and Northeastern states that have the strongest emissions/fuel economy standards. He told me that, the week prior, a Kentucky dealership contacted them wanting to buy their entire inventory of Primes. I also know of a dealership in Wisconsin that had done something similar and "imported" a truckload of Primes from New York and jacked up the price. I was able to do the road trip and took advantage of a $2,000 regional incentive that was only available in New York.
We'll at least it isn't an Ioniq. Talk about lipstick on a pig or the walking dead. It is the legacy car for car writers who can't adapt. Bob Wilson