We went to a full service station last night. Husband drove up to the tank. Shut off the car. Realized that he needed to slide down the window in order to give our order to the attendant. Instinctively, he pressed on the window buttons. The window went down. After a split-second stunned pause, my husband and I turned to each other and went "huh!?". I pressed my window button, and it went down too. Pulled it up and it went up. Another "huh?" I tried again in another 10 to 15 seconds, I would guess, and a more predictable result occurred, that is to say, the window didn't move. Why were we able to move the windows down when the car was turned off? Does it take a few seconds for the car to fully shut down after pressing the power button?
My experience: the window buttons will operate after shutting off the car if I have not yet opened the door. I have assumed this is for people like me who forget to close the windows before hitting the power button. I have never tried waiting to see if there was also a timer. But did either you or hubby open the door during that 10 or 15 second wait? Or maybe the door has nothing to do with it, and the window buttons are active until the pump has filled the thermos and the system really shuts off? Or a combination of the two? My last car had cranks instead of buttons. I could roll the windows up or down at any time.
I don't speak for every Toyota, but I know that in the Camry (in my '96, for example) I can turn off the car and still adjust the window levels for about 10 or 15 seconds. Once I open any door, the windows are locked at the current level. This way, I can turn off the car, but still vent the windows to keep the car cool. I'd imagine that this is standard in every Toyota, but can't speak for sure on it. Tim
To confirm Daniel and Tim's suspicions, you've got a few seconds after shut down to put the window back up, or down. Once you open a door you can't do it any more, nor can you do it after that 10-15 second period.
Yup, my Prius does the same. I also found out that you can raise and lower the drivers side door with the key as well. Turn and hold in the lock to raise and lower. I don't recall which direction does which.
The thing that really caught my eye is that you still have a full service gas station!!! Those days are LONG GONE in my neck of the woods. Lucky you!
Believe me, they're pretty rare around here, too. This station is somewhat of an anacronism due to the fact that it has friendly staff, full service, a decent restaurant and is open seemingly all the time. It's a station at the junction of two major highways, and we always stop in if we find ourselves in that neighbourhood and in need of gas. The only problem with it is that it's an Esso station. We generally don't like Esso but we make an exception for this one particular station. We usually prefer two other gas companies called Sunoco and MacEwen.
not in every Toyota model. Our MR2 Roadster didnt have this and it was damm annoying. Glad the Prius has it.
Yeah, I know the Camry '96 has that feature too. You get 15 seconds of power to the windows after you kill the engine, OR, until you open the door (whichever comes first).
I did an experiment today: I shut the car off and counted slowly to 30. The window still went up and down with the button. Next time, I opened the door immediately after shutting the car off, and the window would not move. I feel confident in stating that there is no time limit: all that matters is the door: you can do the windows as long as the door has not been opened, but not after.
The power windows might be like the headlights, if you don't manually turn them off, they stay on until you open your door. Very nice.
How about counting out another 5-15 seconds? I used my trusty Prius watch and got no more than 30 seconds after I powered down. When I waited 45 seconds, the thing was dead......nothing. Hence, I'm inclined to believe it's somewhere around 30 seconds, more or less.
Okay. I'll try a full minute next time. I don't have a Prius watch, though. I'll have to use my tall-sailing-ship pocket watch instead.
hmm, i guess i overlooked that retained power feature in the manual (just wanted to go out and drive it once i got it! :mrgreen: ) good to know!
Wolfman, Have you discovered an undocumented feature? Are you saying that inserting the manual key and holdingf it turned in one direction or the other will "raise or lower" the car window?
My 2002 VW GTI did just this. It's a useful feature when the car is very hot and you want to vent the heat before entering it.