My other prius if the doors are locked and I walk up to it with key in pocket they open....this one I just bought does not. Also, my other prius if key is in my pocket car starts. I never put key in the ignition. This one I just bought you have to have key in ignition to start. Any common reasons this malfunctions? Hoping it is a bad fuse as I have seen this same problem in other priuses.
there are two versions, sks, and non sks. does it have the on/off button under the steering wheel? if it does, and the button is on, and it still doesn't work, it can be the fob battery, because it takes more power to use sks than just pushing the buttons. also, the 12v can be suspect.
which is confusing, because you can buy a black fob and program it for an sks car, but it will only work in the slot.
Sweet. If only all repairs were that easy. I pushed the key button in and could immediately start with key in pocket...Drivers door also open as I approach locked car. Thanks
Something else to consider Milkyway, if you are not scheduled to drive either cars for extended periods of time with the SKS feature, good counsel is to turn the system off to avoid unnecessarily draining the 12v battery. If the SKS system is on/armed it's constantly consuming voltage from the 12v battery, not oodles and gobs mind you but no sense straining the system if you don't have to.