Okay, I locked out my other account, so had to make new one, Let me come back to the point. We are moving, end of this month. no furniture, I have 5 tourister 25 Kilogram each and other moving boxes + plus me and my mother, so I would say under 300 k.g. What are you thoughts, Can I move interstate, which is basically a 1000 miles? Is my Prius capable to carry this weight? Any risk or failures that might happen? I am very positive but I still like to think about consequences. I would like to know if some of you heard or did it yourself. It will help me a lot to be confident. And also before start driving to NYC, what are some of the things that I should check in my car? I was not sure what model my car called so I have included a picture. How many stops are recommended? This is not a leisure trip, so all I want is to reach at the destination with optimum time and less hassle or knackeredness. I will appreciate detailed replies. Thank you
I'd say that it's a pretty straightforward drive. Just be sure to stretch when you get fuel and to have some light snacks in the car that provide positive carb energy (like pre-shelled pistachios, etc). Unless it's pretty recent you've had it done, I'd have the oil changed
There is a lot of guess work in answering your "questions". I think you should securely pack some of your cases/boxes and SHIP THEM, via UPS or FEDEX. Not only might the extra weight be hard on the car, unsecured boxes in the back with the seat down can become DANGEROUS projectiles in even a minor accident. You should stop over at least one night........even if your Mom can share the driving.......partly because that will lessen the temptation to go too fast, which is dangerous AND hard on the car too. Stick to the speed limit or the prevailing speed of other traffic and you should be fine. Do the routine maintenance checks that you SHOULD be doing all the time: Oil, coolant, transmission and tire air pressure. If you up to date on the required maintenance, you should not have to do anything extra.
After you get there, remember to get snow tires & rims to deal with the cold white stuff that will eventually arrive.
If you do maintenance, don't do it right before you go, just in case there's some screw-up, or they find some problem requiring parts order, whatever. Better to find out about such things, well before your departure date.
If you're a clean air advocate, wait to fuel up and get those "positive carb energy" pistachios until you enter Maryland... it's the first CARB state you'll be driving through
QUOTE="MillennialWay, post: 2535518, member: 154259"] View attachment 128649 View attachment 128647 Okay, I locked out my other account, so had to make new one, Let me come back to the point. We are moving, end of this month. no furniture, I have 5 tourister 25 Kilogram each and other moving boxes + plus me and my mother, so I would say under 300 k.g. What are you thoughts, Can I move interstate, which is basically a 1000 miles? Is my Prius capable to carry this weight? Any risk or failures that might happen? I am very positive but I still like to think about consequences. I would like to know if some of you heard or did it yourself. It will help me a lot to be confident. And also before start driving to NYC, what are some of the things that I should check in my car? I was not sure what model my car called so I have included a picture. How many stops are recommended? This is not a leisure trip, so all I want is to reach at the destination with optimum time and less hassle or knackeredness. I will appreciate detailed replies. Thank you[/QUOTE] I made the trip from tampa to fort lee NJ a few times, so here ya go..leave as early as possible, I left at 3am and avoided most traffic jams going through the cities....take extra oil and a funnel ..take your spare tire (be sure the tire has air in it, they can look full but be flat) jack and lug wrench and put it behind the drivers seat for easy access, put some clothes in a trash bag and put it where the spare was, gas was cheapest in Georgia .. I drove straight through and made it in about 20 hours 1140 miles 3 fill ups, checked oil every 200 miles just to be safe.... DONT GET OFF THE INTERSTATE ANYWHERE NEAR WASHINGTON DC at night.. you will not get out alive.
The main thing that comes to my mind is EZ Pass would make your trip easier thru the many toll booths. You will probably want an EZ Pass when you live in NYC. The only "problem" with EZ Pass is each region has their own unique discounts. You probably want one of the NY EZ Pass authorities, and some of them probably have green car (over 45 MPG) discounts for going over the NY/NJ Port Authority bridges and NY Thruway etc. So I am not the expert on that, or if you have enough time to get one in the mail for the trip.
When we were shopping for EZ-Pass, Maine seemed to have the best deal, assuming there are not any special perks for buying a NY one. Welcome to the Maine Turnpike's E-ZPass Program IWith Maine, you set up the account with a credit card. Whenever the balance gets down to $10, they automatically add $20 from your credit card. I see New York has a version that permits paying for some parking. E-ZPass® New York - PLUS
check your tyres pressure, and don't arrive in ny at rush hour. there is a label on the drivers door jamb with maximum weights. we like to stop for two nights when traveling to florida, but brooklyn knocks a couple hours off the drive. all the best!