Source: Green Car Congress: California Governor signs $52B fuel tax and vehicle fee bill for transportation infrastructure; $100 ZEV fee California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. signed into law SB1, the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017. The bill will raise $52.4 billion over the next decade through an increase in fuel taxes and vehicle fees—including on zero emission vehicles (ZEVs)—to fix roads, freeways and bridges in communities across California and put more dollars toward transit and safety. The package is funded in the following ways: $7.3 billion by increasing diesel excise tax 20 cents (currently $0.13) on 1 November 2017. $3.5 billion by increasing diesel sales tax to 5.75% on 1 November 2017. $24.4 billion by increasing gasoline excise tax 12 cents (currently $0.30) on 1 November 2017. $16.3 billion from an annual transportation improvement fee based on a vehicle’s value starting 1 January 2018 $200 million from an annual $100 Zero Emission Vehicle fee starting 1 July 2020. $706 million in General Fund loan repayments. Bob Wilson
They went quite gently on the EV fees, but the vehicle value fee is interesting. That's basically a property tax on cars, which we have in VA and CA has a small fee there now. Sounds like that is not a bad amount, I think our vehicle value fee in VA is orders of magnitude more than our gaso tax.
Fun times in California. Doubting this money will ever find it's way to real repair work on the streets, freeway upgrades/ repairs or added carpool lanes where needed. From what I've seen and read on other forums they've divided some money to park bathroom repairs/ upgrades, lands for community shelters (pet?) and public transportation. Correct me if i'm wrong but wasn't this bill mainly to repair roads that are damaging cars and upgrading roads/ freeways?