Hello folks, Had a suspicion my muffler was going out on my 07 and took it into the shop this morning. They verified it was the muffler but of course had a high $400 price tag on replacing it. Going on 130k right now and haven't had any muffler issues before, so hopefully this is on the good end for parts longevity! Didn't see the need to fork over ~$500 right now since it's not horrible yet, but wanted to see what folks here recommend for options. I did come across a post from a number of years ago mentioning a pretty close price tag to what I just mentioned, and the question of what the muffler differences were. I know factory is SS and aftermarket units are alum based. The questions I have are: What would the theoretical or actual life expectancy be of one of the aftermarket mufflers vs getting a SS unit like it was built with? Second, for the mechanically inclined, are there any major complications/issues taking on this project myself? I've seen other vehicle muffler replacements being done so I would think in theory there shouldn't be much difference with a prius, but that's why I'm asking! And lastly, out of all the google hits for prius parts, would anybody have a recommendation on a preferred vendor to get a muffler if I do tackle this myself? Thank you
I believe the muffler is just bolted on, to the pipe with the catalytic converter. You should try and get a used OEM one on eBay, don't buy cheap aftermarket stuff that will rust out after 1 year SM-N900P ?
yikes, only a year or so for some of the aftermarket stuff? that's horrible. I'll search around on ebay when I get home.
ah yeah that would make sense. Some of the other muffler replacement jobs I've seen had to have to the bolts cut off. But a nice replacement set of stainless steel bolts would solve that one. I may have a pneumatic kit for impact. Just thought of this, would an impact driver work? with a socket adapter? or is that too much direct power and not enough ratcheting for this application?
I have never actually done this on a Prius but based on experience from other cars when replacing rusted out mufflers: Hand impact is useless on those bolts. But there’s high likelihood of bolts breaking in half anyways so just have new bolts ready. In a Gen 2 Prius bolt threads into the back muffler side so when changing the back muffler if the bolt snaps it just safes you time. Try to open the bolt with just a socket and breaker bar. If socket feels lose just beat on smaller one. If the bolt snaps it’s the fastest way. If the head strips then you need to cut the bolt. But even with just a hacksaw cutting it isn’t that hard.
Got it, worth the thought though! If the current bolts are possibly rusted through, what do they use by default for the bolts? The last replacement I saw defaulted to stainless steel bolts right off the bat. Seems quite logical given the rust factor right?
Check a breaking yard! In most cases you can buy the whole exhaust system for about $50 off a clean wrecked car.
In practice, exhaust nuts and bolts are one-time use. They stay on so long, and get so rusty, there's no reason to even try to get a wrench on them. Just cut them off and replace with new ones. A Sawzall with a metal-cutting blade makes short work of the job. Don't bother with stainless -- inexpensive grade-5 fasteners are fine. Next time you need to remove them, cut them off and replace them.
Hi everyone, great thread, quick question from a noob who is going to tackle this job within the next month or so: What size bolts should I purchase as replacements? Do I need "Spring bolts" or is a standard bolt with washer/nut ok? Anything I am missing in this parts list that I will need: 14mm socket or cut off tool, new muffler, muffler gasket, wire brush, muffler cement, new bolts/washers/nuts Overall, this seems pretty straight forward...Unless autozone sells a muffler with a lifetime warranty, I will purchase a clean used west coast one on ebay for roughly $80-90 with shipping.