Has anyone figured out how to do this? It's really annoying when I'm carrying cargo in the passenger seat or the rear seats. Plus I have legitimate reasons to drive unbelted at low speeds on deserted roads, without making noise.
I bought a BAFX Products 34t5 Bluetooth OBDII Scan Tool for Android Devices from Amazon, then downloaded the free app PriusTweak onto my Samsung Galaxy S7 and shut off the back-up beeper and the seat belt beepers. Why can't I link to Amazon?
Use the existing seat belt, or find a seat belt buckle at a salvage yard and buckle it into the passenger seat. Problem solved
Got my BAFX adapter today, I got this one because it was cheaper than Carista's and I had a $20.00 credit on my PayPal credit account ( Paypal credit limit is $5000.00 and my account had $5020.00 so free money) the BAFX cost me $6.00
yep, I enabled that too I played with the "turn signal click volume" but it didn't seem to make a difference. Also would like to know what the "a/c compressor noise reduction" does, I've used a/c only once a month or so ago on a longer trip, otherwise, not warm enough (for me) to have to use it ...