From my 2012 Advanced - Recently purchased and slowly working my way through the manuals. 1) Is there an "Avoidances" (toll roads, highways, etc.) setting as there is on my Garmin? 2) How can I tell if/when the maps were last updated?
Unfortunately, the trick here is to either: a) Use your Garmin, or b) Use your phone (Waze is my preferred navigation app even though it doesn't say out the actual street names). I knew from the start after purchasing our 2013 PIP that the navigation system would never be updated because Toyota charges an arm and a leg (and a visit to Toyota service) for each update when Garmin and web-based apps continually update online for free. And they continue being obtuse, given their responses in a Facebook ad that I saw recently. That said, the navigation isn't unusable. I've used it plenty of times prior to getting my Android phone (never had a true smartphone before), and it has gotten me out of a few pickles. That said, it's still an incredibly dumb, slow, and archaic system. To type in any address, you first need the zip code. There's no "search for address/location" function like in Google Maps. Looking around the map involves the old snail-like "click pan, wait for map to shift, and zoom" system like in the old MapQuest maps before the "click, drag, and pinch" from Google Maps existed. Overall, my advice is what I first stated above. But I would also advise you to learn how to use the Prius' navigation system a bit in case you need to use it for emergencies. It still works as it should, but don't be surprised if some roads don't show up on your map (like the then-recently newly built ramp system to the 465/74 junction near Indianapolis Motor Speedway in 2014, a little over a year after we purchased our PIP). Moto G (4) ?
And after ALL of that, you still didn't tell him about the "avoidances". I have a '13 C and it has that feature; don't remember exactly how to access it though. IIRC, the "updates" cost over $200 and usually are a year old or not worth the effort.
On my 2013 Three, this is under Dest | Route Options | Avoid. Your trim has a different Nav/Audio unit, so may have a different menu structure.
I was aware of most of the above, but thanks. Just wondering if the previous owner may have updated the maps recently. I would be more keen to use it if that was the case. Also wondering about the avoidances with from anyone else with a '12 or '13 Advanced. I am thinking the GPS in the Advanced model is not as archaic as that in the Base.
Roads don't usually change THAT much.......over years of time. matter how good it is, you shouldn't trust any GPS routing absolutely. Every one I've ever had made mistakes from time to time.
I'm guessing not since the Advanced has a larger, higher def and split screen. But I may be wrong! I know I don't need to enter the zip code as lewalcindor says above, but simply enter city, street number and name as I do on my Gamin.
Under route guidance, press "ROUTE" on the screen, then "PREFERENCES" and then adjust your settings INFO/APPS --> MAP DATA and it'll display the "Map Version". Note that Toyota updates the map at the end of the year so a "12.1" map is a map that was published on Fall 2012 (usually in the Sept-Dec time frame). This can end up with weird things such as my 2010 Prius originally coming with 2008 maps (because I bought it in Aug 2009 so the latest map at that time would've been 8.1 from Fall 2008).
For my base model PIP, the city is probably the minimum needed to enter a street address. But that's only assuming the navigation unit spits out the correct zip code for you based on the city you inputted, which isn't 100% guaranteed. For me, the most accurate way to get the right address is to put in the zip code first. The system will then spit out the city so all you need to supply is the street and address.
Just because ZIP is the default place that the "cursor" appears doesn't mean that you can't input the city and state just by touching on those fields instead.
I never said you can't input the city/state instead. What I'm saying is that if you want to input an address that the Toyota navigation system has in its database, typing in the zip code is the way to go (along with the state, of course). Typing in the city can sometimes lead to situations where the city you know of as "Willow Grove Manor" is instead known as "Willow Grove" in the navigation database (only a hypothetical situation here). A zip code is foolproof.
Gosh darn, you sure like to argue about small insignificant things. I'm sure your acquaintances must think you're a real peach to deal with. The point is that entering the zip code first is by far the best method because it's the only way to ensure you'll get the right address from the nav's database. Period! You can argue amongst yourself if you think I meant anything else, because it's fairly clear that you enjoy doing that.
1. I am not finding "Route Guidance" or "Route." 2. I am seeing 2011-6-1, so I'm assuming the original owner didn't update the maps. I'm not knowing why anyone would, but thought maybe...
Oh "Route Guidance" is just Toyota speak for "navigate somewhere" haha. So just set a destination. IF you're not under Route Guidance, the "Route" button doesn't show up. Yeah it looks like it's the maps that came with the car.
I supplied the "basis" in my previous reply. Here it is AGAIN. He clarified his statement AFTER my comment. His initial statement was and is WRONG. You do NOT "first need the zip code". Claiming that you never said something does not make it true.