A little less than 3 weeks from putting down a $500 deposit on a Premium here in Southern Cal. Blizzard white is apparently a more difficult color to get. They had two Plus's on the lot but no Premiums or Advanced models. I should add that there was no dealing the price down with the dealer. Apparently, there were multiple people with deposits on the same car that wanted it immediately
My cars which arrived at the port on 4/19/17 was ready for pickup on 4/24/17. I checked in daily between 4/21 - 4/24. What I found strange was the mileage on the cars. One car had 15 miles on it and the other had 21 miles which I thought was high. I know the dealerships go through some inspection prior to releasing the vehicles for pick up but it still doesn't seem reasonable to rack up that mileage. I was expecting less than 5 miles or so but I'm guessing there were numerous test drives by the staff before I picked up.
That seems like a lot. Most new cars usually have less than 5 miles on them in my experience. My Prime had a little less than 3 miles on the odometer when I received it.
21 is very high, and they should have notified you to the actual reason. Maybe they were doing demos with the car for prospective buyers?
Last week I decided which car to buy. I was told that the one I'd been eyeing had been sold but that an identical one was coming in a "few days" and that they'd put a hold on it for me. I got the call yesterday that it's in Vallejo, CA - fresh off the boat presumably. Delivery yet to be scheduled. It's really tough to be patient and not think about it all the time.
Thought this might be interesting particularly if one might have a Prime in this shipment. Todays information from the Dealer Daily printout: These dates are actuals: Vessel Departure 04/07/17; Vessel Arrival 04/19/17; Plant/Port Process 04/26/17. No estimated dates for rail departure or arrival but the following estimated dates are listed: Shipment to dealer 05/09/17; Dealer Arrival 05/10/17 - 05/15/17. They think only one day on the truck. Also a comment that other trains have been delayed as much as three weeks in the past for other freight (pipeline I think) which might or might not happen...or it could come earlier. I like the early option best. In any case its looking like 4 months give or take from order to delivery in the Midwest. Dealer noted that there are approximately 12 primes in the pipeline for the Toyota Chicago district and they are all sold. Given that it seems unlikely to get a bundle off of MSRP, at least in these parts.
Turns out they got a white one and they're trying to trade for a red with a local dealership. Surprising. Also they will deliver to me, which I think means they'll drive it from wherever (more miles). My other choice is 3.5 hours of public trans to get to Vallejo (60 miles). I don't really want a white car. Lucky to be in silly-con valley with 90% of (the ridiculous number of) toyota dealerships having some stock. Fingers still crossed. The suggestion for watching videos is a good one. I've been skulking around the forum and grieving the soon-to-be loss of my 24 year old friend, oops I mean car.
Thanks very much for sharing! My dealership is not very communicative. I contacted them again to say that I had heard that another car in the shipment had F status. They said that was true now of mine as well, but no transport date yet available. Argh!
Sure hope my Magnetic Gray Advanced is one of those 12. Thanks for posting this information. My dealer doesn't have much incentive to keep me up to date on it. They know it is a done sale when it gets here, whether they keep me informed or not.
This is also my situation, my trim, and also my color (w/ black interior). I ordered mine 4 weeks ago, so I'm thinking somewhere between 2017 and 2019 I might see it.
I'm in Atlanta- Ordered the first week it was available here - 3/18 and was told 3 to 4 months. Was in touch with the dealership last week and they said all is still on track.
decided to cancel the pre order because Valley Hi Toyota in Victorville ,Ca. had just gotten exactly what i was pre ordering in , had 4 miles on it and still in plastic , so we made the 9 hour drive from Provo ,Ut. ....the dealership was great to work with....and driving it home gave me some time to play with the new "stuff" ...the dealership that i had placed the pre order with ( Bountiful Toyota ) and had cashed my $500.00 check , is dragging their feet in returning my money though ...but thanks for all the info !
Wow! That's dedication. Was it 9 hours one way or both ways? Did you stay overnight somewhere? Finally: what was the average MPG for the return drive home?
9 hours one way but we stayed in Mesquite , NV over night , that was about half way and left the next morning for the dealership...50.4 ...i don't believe they had the unit charged at all because it needed almost 6 hours to charge when i got home...also i was going from 2,700 ft elevation to eventually over 4,500 ft
I sent Email this morning to my sales rep asking whether there are any indications that it has arrived in CA, etc. iPhone ? Pro