About 3 months ago my Prius started having problems. When I would turn it on, it would make one loud beep sound and almost all of the dash lights came on and I had trouble braking when that would happen. Sometimes it would happen while I was driving, but eventually it happened every time I turned the car on. I did not have the money to investigate the issue, but I read it may have been the battery going bad. Which battery, I don't know. I have not driven the car since early February. I have checked it periodically to see if everything is still doing the same thing, and today it would not turn on at all. My key fobs don't even work to unlock it. I had to manually unlock it and attempted to put the fob in the ignition and it still would not turn on. Automatic locks won't work. So is it my 12v battery? Should I just change it and not even worry about jump starting it to get it looked at? I'm lost.
You can jump the battery under the hood, even thought it's located in the back. Flip up red cap is positive, then ground to whatever. DO NOT Crank up the amperage if you use a battery charger! A modest charge will be enough to get the computer up when you hit the start button. Those batteries are about 170 bucks or so... Lead acid so they just don't last forever. SM-N910V ?
Be aware that improper jumping is a common cause of serious damage to expensive electronics. Be extremely careful and check connections twice before making them. If the battery is more than five years old, and you intend to keep the car, I wouldn't even take the risk of jumping it. Just replace the battery.