So I just bought a new 2016 Prius C about two weeks ago and I've been trying to learn everything I can about the car. I understand that there's no starter, alternator, timing belt, or power steering pumps. But, is it also true that there's no belts of any kind that need replacing?
true. everything has an electric motor. the previous generation had a serpentine belt for the water pump. pretty sweet, right?
There is no 12 volt starter or 12 alternator, those are high voltage parts mostly handled by Motor/Generator1 and M/G2. The power steering is electric. There is a timing chain, but no belts. It will most likely last 1/3 million miles. is a overview of the electrical system of a Gen 2 (all Prius are similar) this treats the mechanical connections of the high voltage M/Gs and the engine.
Thanks for the great replies! It's just odd to think that it truly is a vehicle with almost literally only oil changes and tire rotations, nothing else needed. In a day and age where most cars become over complicated and need more attention than ever, this car goes the opposite by the "less is more" approach.