bought '07 model couple of months ago (previous '05 was totaled by hit & run) and brake actuator was making frequent noise from day 1... thanks to the forum, i learned about warranty enhancement program 'til end of 2017 and hoping the light will shine on the dash sometime in between... couple days ago, my friend scanned my car and codes C1253 (hydro-booster pump motor relay) and C1256 (accumulator low pressure) were present. there were no lights on the dash. visited local toyota dealer yesterday and they will replace brake actuator assembly under warranty. picking up the car later today. just wanted to share that you don't have to have light on the dash to be covered under warranty as long as brake actuator related codes are present.
After having no brake actuation taking place I called Toyota and they took care of it on their dime. I told them if something happens they would hear about it. Maybe it got their attention.
I own a 2011 Toyota Prius. Today, while driving to work, I got the dreaded tell tale lights (abs/!/brake lights). The dealership is telling me to fix it will be about $4500... I don't have the money for this. I am not sure, but I have seen but this is an ongoing problem with Toyota cars. Is the actuator itself under warranty? Is the car? I never got a notice, and on the Toyota website no safety recalls or campaign show up under my Vin number. Any information would help so much
The dealer's OBD could read C1253/C1256 codes hence dealer could not fix under extended warranty. My Prius does exhibit the symptom but of ABS actuator going on and off every 30 seconds however not registering codes. All codes shows clear in my OBD.