Hi. Folks. I'm currently in the process of changing the head gasket on my 2013 Prius V with 190k miles because it has the typical scary rattling noise on start up and red light stop. Has a misfire code on cylinder 1. Piston 1 & 2 are wet. Coolant level has been droping like crazy. Anyways. After I removed the timing chain tensioner and timing cover. I just realized I forgot to put it back to TDC and mark the timing marks. Well. While I'm not new on rebuilding Engine as I work on my race car(Honda K-series) all the time, I wanna make sure I do it right. I search online and found nothing about the timing marks for the Gen3 Prius. Maybe it's still new at the moment. Well if someone has the service manual. Please help me. WIlling to pay(via PayPal) Thanks,
There are three special-color links built into the chain at the timing mark positions for crank and both cam sprockets. They'll only be at the right positions every n revolutions (can work out n from number of chain links, sprocket teeth, and a little number theory) but if you don't see the two up above the cam sprockets and you can spin the crank some multiple of 2 revs until you do, you should be in business. -Chap
Off topic, but what condition was the EGR system?. I have this theory that plugged EGR contributes to HG problems.