Anyone know why an AC would work for a few seconds, then turn off? Radiator fans and AC stop working. The blower is fine. Heater is fine. It's just the AC. In my investigation I found the electric connection that goes to the water pump was unplugged. I plugged it back in and Bam, fans and AC cranked on. Nice cold air.....For about 15 seconds. Then they shut off again. Yes, AC button on. Yes, temp set to LO and auto. What could be going on? Fuses look fine. Is this what happens on a Prius when refrigerant is low? Any help is appreciated. 2010, 205k
Update. After a lot of poking around, I think I found the culprit. The black electric connection on top of the AC. I was able to get the fans and AC to kick in for a second while fiddling with it. I unplugged it and found wet gook in and around the pins. Tried to clean the best I could with alcohol, blower, and paper towels. Both in the male and female ends. Again I was able to get the fans/ac to kick on for a sec. But only for a sec. What now? Is the connector replaceable? The female end looks as easy as a typical connector to dissect. But that male end is kind of built into the ac housing. Any chance anyone in here can tell me?
Groggy update: I was up til 3:౩0am, but it worked out. Through several rubbing alcohol treatments, and a hot shop light to dry, I cleaned the connector well enough. I have AC again. It was definitely just a dirty connector issue. My only problem left, is my overheating. I assume my water pump isn't working. This could be expensive. Only overheats sitting on the freeway, especially going uphill.Is there a video or tips on replacing.....Or even better fixing the pump?
tip 1 pull out the orange plug from traction battery, use a vacuum pump and gauges that u can rent from autozone for free,pour in right amount of oil in compressor.
I bought this car in Sept of 2016. I've had many, many issues. Right now, I need to know if my coolant system is clogged, or my water pump isn't working.
Disregard, you will need to hook up a VCI mini adapter to activate the water pump and see if it works. If you want to check if your cooling system is clogged, you will have to use an AC machine to check your system if its low on Freon, or if its leaking. Check all your AC components to make sure nothing is clogging the fins or blocking the radiator or condensor.
Thank you Nutz. Never heard of a VCI adapter. I'll Google it. I think I confused things when I said cooling system clog. It's the engine cooling I'm referring to, not the AC. I don't know if my water pump isn't working, or if there is a clog from all the head seal crap I've poured in there.
The sealers are also the only reason this car has been able to run for the last 20K miles. There are pros and cons for sure. Now it sounds like I need to find myself a VCI mini adapter.
Well, bad HG can be caused by or can result in overheating. Sounds like you have both. This is why I would never ever buy used high mileage Prius.
Ya...I basically have this car in the operating room, paddles out, attempting to revive. It's had a long life of cigarettes, hookers, and blow. Probably doesn't deserve to live. But I took an oath to do no harm. I can dream of the Office Space Scene....but cannot live it....yet. Oh....and I do already have an Autel Autolink Al519 Obd-ii and Can Scanner Tool. It's what I have used to clear code after code as I've hand many other problems that I've solved on this car. But I have no idea what most of the jibberish is in the readings. What part of those readings tells me if the water pump is working?? Right now it reads no problems. But I realize it is not a fancy Toyota scanner. It's nice having folks to whine to about my car. My family/friends have likely grown tired of hearing about problems with this thing. And of course my macho friends are pointing and laughing as they did the day I bought a Prius. They may be right.....but for the wrong reasons. I still believe a functioning Prius is a smart car to own.