2007 Prius. Replaced hybrid battery at the 6 yr and 100k+ mark with a rebuilt from Houston Hybrid. Worked great for 18 months and failed. Replaced again. That one lasted only a few months before acting weird. They replaced it under warranty, but said they couldn't find anything wrong with it. I had just replaced the 12 volt prior to the third hybrid battery pack. Voltage checked out fine on the 12 volt. Third pack always gave off a weird, burning plastic type odor, but worked great until yesterday, when it suddenly failed. I have been alternating driving between this one and my '06. The 07 had sat for 5 days without being driven prior to failure. Inverter pump changed last August, due to sudden failure after recall replacement. Checked it and it is circulating coolant. Had A/C recharged recently at dealership as all freon had leaked out. Now working fine. Limped home and pulled codes. Pulled P3000, PA080, P3011, C1259 and C1310. Just rechecked the 12v after it sat all day. Initial discharged reading 12.1. Reads 14.0 with car on. What are the chances this is the 12v, not the traction? Or, maybe both need replaced?
Low to none. More likely the HV. If the 12 V battery will not hold a charge after fully charging with an external automatic AGM battery charger, then replace it. To test it, fully charge then remove the charger. Wait 3-5 hours then use a digital multimeter on the DC voltage setting to read the voltage over the battery terminals. If less than 12.4 V, replace. How much have you spend replacing the HV battery overall?
Jessica and Matt have been great. They honored the warranty on the 2nd battery, without any issues. At this point, the warranty has expired for it and I've gone over a year on this last one. So, I really don't feel they owe me anything. I'm just disappointed they didn't last longer. The one in my 06 is also from them. I think I've managed to get 3 years out of it, but it was acting up last summer when I ran the A/C. It would go from all blue to 1 purple bar just sitting in the parking lot getting buckled in to leave from work. I already was planning to replace it this year, but it seems to be holding up for the moment. we'll see what happens as the weather warms up.
unfortunately, rebuilt batteries are hit or miss, due to the nature of the old cells that don't get replaced. they are only as good as the warranty, and the company standing behind it.
Someone likened it to playing Wack-a-mole. I bought a Rebuilt Dorman with a 3 year warranty. We'll see how that goes. Hopefully hubby can lift the old one out and pop the new one in tomorrow night. I just need to disconnect the electrical. All else is open and ready.
I thought about it. Houston (Hometown) hybrid offers them for just a little more money, but am not sure I want to keep this car. I may go that route for the 06, as its a better vehicle over all. I don't trust Toyota when they say it's new, but only give a year warranty.
not to worry, the one year warranty applies to all new replacement parts. they give a 3 year warranty if the dealer installs, but it's not worth it. these batteries have been opened up, and are brand spankin' new cells. they are good for 8-10+ years, except for very, very rare occasions. i'm sure hh told you the same.
Those are $3500, though, right? Houston hometown has them for $2400 with a 3 yr/ 75k mile warranty. When I replace the one in the 06, I'm sure I will go that route.
the pricing is all over the place. is that $2,400. installed? you can buy them as cheap as $2,000. in some places, upwards of $4,000.+ in others. it pays to shop around. all the best with the dorman, some have played whack a mole with them, while others have gotten many years and miles. nature of the beast.
Yes, that would be installed. They will charge a nominal fee to come to me to do the install, but it's a 3.5 hr round trip drive for them. That's not unreasonable. I did see mixed reviews on the Dorman. We'll see what happens. Praying Murphys Law will stop following me with this car.